Attaching Emails


To attach an email to a project from Outlook, click the Timemaster button within Outlook.



Use the Outlook Send-to function to send an email to a project within Timemaster. The mail and its attachments are copied to the project folder, in a sub-folder of your choice. After sending to Timemaster the email in outlook can be deleted.

This routine copies the email related files to the project folder and indexes them within Workflow with a description and service. This is useful for sharing the emails with the rest of the project team.



Select the email you wish to file within Outlook and click the Timemaster button

(If you don’t have the Timemaster option under Send to then you need to install the Send to for your client PC. See the section on Installing Send-to and Outlook links.)

A project selector window will appear with a list of all your projects.




Scroll down until you find the project you wish to attach the file(s) to

A sub-list will show available actions.

You may select an action or just select the project. The choice will depend on your operating procedures.

Once the project and action combination has been chosen, click the Allocate button.

A Select Folder window will allow additional information regarding the files to be entered, this can be used to find the files later when undertaking searches.

For further information, click the Help button within the send to program itself.



Enter a description for the files


Enter a service the files relate to (i.e. whether they relate to Architects, Engineers etc)


Select a folder to copy the files into. This is a sub-folder of the project location








Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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