Changing Your Details



The Amend My Details option allows you to change your personal details held within Timemaster:

Email address

Telephone contact details

Password reset question and answer



The telephone numbers and email address can be amended and changed at any time. The password reset question and answer may only be amended after entering the current password. This is to prevent anyone else tampering with your password reset information whilst you are away from your computer.

To enter your reset your password question:

Enter your password to reveal the password reset question fields.

Enter a password reset question or select one from the drop down list. You may choose one of the examples from the drop down list or enter your own question.

Enter the answer to the question.

Click Save button.


How the Forgotten Password Works

If you have forgotten your password you can reset it by answering the reset password question.

Click the link for forgotten password on the login page

Enter your user name and email address

These must match the details held within the Timemaster database

Enter the reset password question

On a successful answer, you then will then depending on how your system has been configures, either:

oBe logged in and directed to a password change page, OR

oHave a new password emailed to you.



Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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