Expense Costs Enquiry



The Expense Costs Enquiry provides enquiries on expense costs. Both staff related expenses and project expenses are reported in a grid that can be sorted, filtered and generally manipulated to provide user–defined enquiries.


Additional Information

Note NOTE: Only Approved expenses are included.



Include Staff Expenses

Staff related expenses entered by employees

Incoide Project Expenses

Expenses entered under the Project Expenses option, excluding those which are flagged as outsourced costs (payments to sub-consultants)

Include Outsourced Costs

Expenses entered under the Project Expenses option which have been flagged as outsourced costs (payments to sub-consultants)



When first selected, the expense enquiry will be empty. In order to refresh the grid, you must make a selection from one of the Project ID field, Staff ID field or Date Range. This is to prevent lots of users requesting very large datasets over the web.

The Project selection allows wild cards, others are equal operations only.

Once a selection has been made, clicking the btnrefresh button will populate the grid with data.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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