Fee Income Analysis Report


To access the Income Analysis Report, select Fee Income Analysis Report option from the Reports > Project Reports menu

Access Right:

Reports > Project Enquiries > Income Analysis Report



The Income Analysis Report contains an analysis of actual and potential fee income for a selected period against a user selected category. The category may be client, classification, project leader, and so on. The report contains only income associated with fees and time-charges, excluding any rechargeable expenses.

The report allows you to view actual invoiced income within the period, forecasted confirmed income and also speculative income weighted by the task’s probability of going ahead.

The report shows the income as a total against the category selected (eg. client or classification etc.), with a drill-down to view the projects which contribute to the total. At the end of the report a histogram is shown allowing a quick comparison between the categories.



The report requires a range of dates to continue and a selection of category by which to analyse the income.

Available categories are:

•        Client

Budget Code
Client Liaison (normally project director)
Project Leader
Finance Code

Double-clicking on a line drills down to a detailed report showing the make-up for the selected invoice by project.


Columns in the Report

Actually Invoiced

Actually invoiced in the date range.



Forecasted from order book. This is forecasted income for confirmed tasks and is calculated from:

•        Monthly fee schedules for fixed fee income

Resource plans for time-charged income
Fee estimates apportioned between two dates if neither of the above two methods are available


Weighted Pipeline

Forecast of speculative income.

This is calculated in the same way as the forecast, but contains only speculative tasks and is then factored by the probability of the task going ahead.


Total of all above three items.


Sample Reports

Income Analysis Report




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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