
These user notes are intended to provide a general step by step guide to using Timemaster Web. The guide aims to give the user sufficient information to put in a timesheet un-aided, managers to approve, administrators to maintain the system, and how to customise Timemaster Web.



Most, if not all, staff within your organisation will input a timesheet to record the time they have spent working on specific projects during the week. There are two basic kinds of projects that you can record time against.  These are:

Non-productive or non-revenue earning work (e.g. training, annual leave, marketing, etc.)

Productive or revenue earning work


Some of the Timemaster projects will be about achieving a "specific work package" on behalf of a client. An example would be a road scheme or an architectural project. These projects will typically have a start and a finish date. However, some organisations have on-going projects.  Examples would be administration, working in a library, or on an open-ended strategic policy project. Your line manager will ensure that there are "projects" within Timemaster to allow you to record your time.


By filling in your timesheet your line manager will be able to keep a record of your time spent:


Working on productive and non-productive projects;

Working on individual projects

Working on stages of individual projects

Undertaking certain types of work

Attending training courses

On annual leave

On sick leave


If the staff resource rates have been configured, project managers can find out how much the work has cost. Subject to the re-charge rates being set-up the time-charged projects can be automatically invoiced. All fee based work can be invoiced according to percentage completions or pre-defined payment milestones.


Every time you save a timesheet it is written automatically to the Timemaster database. As soon as you save your timesheet it is available to your line manager. You do not need to "send your timesheet" anywhere, nor do you need to send an email to inform your line manager that you have completed your timesheet.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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