If you have projects which are charged on a fixed fee basis, and need to outsource some of your fee to external consultants, then these are called outsourced fees in Timemaster.

Outsourced fees are handled in Timemaster by creating a purchase order for each sub-consultant with the amount of fee being outsourced. Timemaster then deducts the value of the outsourced fee from your predicted income so your reports of predicted income, or profit and loss are based on your net fee income.


In order for Timemaster to accurately predict when the cost of the outsourced fee falls, a set of rules are applied:

Each purchase order value is split over tasks using the same percentage proportions as your gross fee

The proportions can be changed either using a lump sum value or percentage entry

Once allocated to a task, the cost profile of the purchase order tracks the gross fee income schedule. That is, if the gross fee is scheduled on a monthly basis, then the purchase order cost tracks the monthly schedule. If the gross fee is straight-line apportioned, then the purchase order cost tracks the straight line apportionment.


If a different profile is required, then the purchase order can be scheduled on a monthly basis independently.


For information on how to enter outsourced fees, please see the topic Project Purchases and Expenses Overview.




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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