Overtime - Overview



The purpose of this section is to explain the different options available when setting up Flexi Overtime within Timemaster.


There are three ways of recording overtime:

•        By manual entry by the user in the timesheet (project timesheet – not flexi timecard)

By allowing the system to automatically calculate overtime
By entering the overtime claim either daily or as a total for the week


If the user enters a project timesheet and the project timesheet overtime is linked to the flexi overtime (As defined by the checkbox on the Attendance page of the Staff Maintenance window), then the timesheet overtime always overrides the option to manually enter overtime on the flexi timecard. Overtime will be visible in the timecard but no amendable.


Additional Information


Recording Overtime in the Timesheet

When timesheets are in use any overtime entered in the timesheet may be used to deduct from the attendance balance when calculating the flexi credit available.

This option is activated by checking the checkbox ‘Link staff timesheet overtime to flexi-time overtime?’ in the staff record on the Attendance page.

In this scenario any time booked as overtime on the Timesheet will be deducted from the attendance hours on the Timecard. The approval mechanism is handled by the timesheet approval process.


Calculating Overtime on a Daily Basis

This method would be used when not using a flexi system but still recording hours worked. Any hours over the contracted hours would be counted as overtime, subject to certain rules regarding minimum and maximum allowances.

This option is activated by checking the checkbox Calculate Daily Overtime? in the flexi attendance rules. (Currently the flexi attendance rules may only be configured within the Timemaster Windows application).


Manual Entry of Overtime

This option allows either daily entry or weekly entry. If daily, then the overtime must be entered for each day, otherwise a total for the week is entered.

The overtime is entered using the Overtime button on the flexi timecard.

In either case, the overtime cannot exceed the balance available.

The balance is calculated as:

Balance Available = Total hours worked – Contracted hours – clipped hours.

However, the inclusion of clipped hours is again an option defined in the attendance rules. If the checkbox on the Overall page of the attendance rules titled "Hours lost due to clipping can be converted to TOIL/Overtime" is checked, then the clipped hours are not deducted from the total hours worked. If the checkbox is cleared then they ARE deducted. Just to remind you of the clipped hours, these are hours lost due to early starts/late finishes.

For example, if the earliest start/latest finish allowed is 07:30 to 19:30 and a user works 06:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 18:00, then they have worked 11 hours, but are clipped 1:30 because of the earliest start.

If the Hours lost due to clipping can be converted to TOIL/Overtime is checked, then the 11 hours is taken as the hours worked. If not, then 9.5 hours are the hours worked.

If the time is clipped, then it will be necessary to enter a lump sum adjustment to reclaim the clipped hours.

If the option is set for daily overtime, then the overtime is stored for the day it was worked, but if the option is set for weekly overtime, the overtime is stored on a Sunday (it has to be stored in one of the days). In the event that you change from weekly to daily overtime, then you may need to delete the Sunday overtime and allocate it to the correct day.



Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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