Profitability Schedule

The Profitability Schedule is obtained by clicking on Profitability Schedule option in the Reports menu within the Projects Listing page.

(Click here to see a picture of the menu location)


Access Right: Project Profitability View in Web

The Project Profitability Timeline Graph is only available if the Project Management module is installed.



The Profitability Schedule provides an analysis of profit and loss for a service within a project on a monthly basis.


This topic contains

•        Instructions on how to operate the Profitability Schedule

Screen shot of the Profitability Schedule
An explanation of how profitability is calculated



To access the profitability schedule, Select the Profitability Schedule option under the Reporting menu in the Project Listing page. To obtain the Project Listing page, select the Project Listing option from the top Projects menu.

The bar chart is available for a selected service only and not for the project overall. This is controlled by the Service to Graph drop-down. If the project only has one service allocated then the schedule will be drawn automatically without having to wait for the refresh.

The Last Costed Date date defines the effective date at which costs are taken from the timesheets or forecasted costs. For example, a date of 31-Jan-11 indicates that actual costs are taken from timesheets prior to 31-Jan-11 and costs after 31-Jan-11 are taken from the forecast.

If either the Service or Last Costed Date is change you need to click the Refresh button btnRefresh to refresh the graph.

The colours and style of the graph can be changed using the Chart Appearance and Chart Palette options above the graph.

Related links at the top allow you to also view this information as a monthly schedule or a time-line graph.

To create a print of the schedule, click the Printer Friendly button.


Sample Report



Calculation Logic

More detail on how profitability is calculated is given in the topic: How Income and Cost Profiles are Calculated.

Table A

This section describes the total and headline figures for the service.





Above the Job No, this is the Last Costed Date and is the date up to which actual costs are reported and after which actual costs are replaced by forecasted costs.

Construction Value


Latest project value


Fee percentage for the service


Percentage Fee


The percentage fee for the service (Construction value x Fee Percentage)

Lump Sum Fees


Any additional fixed fees allocated to tasks

Timecharges Chargeable

The value of time-charges chargeable up to the Last Costed Date.


Expenses Chargeable

The value of expenses chargeable up to the Last Costed Date.


Total Confirmed Fees

The total of: Percentage Fee + Lump Sum Fees + Timecharges Chargeable + Expenses Chargeable


Anticipated Expenses

This is the sum of Expense Costs To Date plus Forecasted Expenses.

Expense costs to date is the cost on the To Date row under the Expenses column,

Forecasted Expense Costs is the cost on the TOTALS row (at the bottom) under the Expenses column.


Outsourced Costs

The value of outsourced costs against confirmed (i.e. not speculative) tasks.


Projected Time


This is the sum of time costs to date plus forecasted time costs.

Time costs to date is cost on the To Date row under the Sub Total column,

Forecasted time cost is the cost on the TOTALS row (at the bottom) under the Sub Total column.


Potential Net Fees

Total internal fees marked as speculative.



Table B - Tasks

This section describes the headline figures for each task and non-fee related costs. It describes the fields starting with the task name column upwards.


Task Headings

Lists all fixed fee tasks along with the task code and name.

The left hand table contains only fixed fee tasks.

% Comp Now

The calculated percentage spend based on target costs as follows:

(Actual cost + Forecast cost) / Actual cost

In most cases this will relate to the percentage complete, but effective for the date of the report, except where user enter a percentage complete based on a fee claim rather than the work carried out.


% Breakdown

This is the percentage each task contributes to the overall total in relation to its baseline target figure.

For example, If a project comprises two tasks;

Task A Baseline Target = £4,000

Task B Baseline Target = £6,000

Then Task A contributes 40% and (regardless of how much has been spent, if the task is 100% complete then the project is 40% complete overall)



The baseline target.

If no baseline target has been entered, then the current target is used as the baseline.

If no baseline or current target has been entered, then this figure will be zero.


Antic Spend

This is the actual cost for the task, plus forecasted spend.

i.e. To Date row + TOTALS row


Baseline – Antic Spend


Indicates whether the task is speculative or confirmed:

P = Potential work (Speculative)

C = Confirmed work


Start Date

The target start date for the task


Finish Date

The target finish date for the task


Sub Total Column

The Sub Total column contains totals for all confirmed fixed fee tasks.

Costs against potential tasks are shown, but not included in the totals.



Table B – Other Costs



The timecharges column does not contain any figures for baseline or anticipated spend

Expenses Baseline

The value in the Expenses column, Baseline row is the total fixed fee value multiplied by the non chargeable expense percentage for the service.

Total Fee x % Non chargeable expense allowance


Expenses Remaining

Expenses Baseline – Expenses Spend to date

Expenses Balance

Expenses Baseline – Anticipated Expenses Spend

The Anticipated Expenses Spend is the actual spend on expenses to date plus Forecasted Expense Cost. The Forecasts Expense Cost is the Forecasted time costs to complete multiplied by the % Non Chargeable Expense Allowance.

This will obviously result in a difference in the early days as the % non chargeable expense allowance is applied to firstly the fee value and secondly the target value. Once the project is under way the remaining cost to complete is a more accurate method of forecasting expense costs.


Outsourced Baseline

The value of outsourced fees on confirmed tasks only.


Outsourced Remaining

The actual cost of expense payment submitted against outsourced fees


Outsourced Balance

The difference between outsourced payments schedule to the Last Costed Date and paid to the Last Costed Date. Not all organisations schedule their outsourced payments so this figure is only relevant for organisations which schedule outsourced payments.



Table C - Tasks

Last 6 months actuals

Actual costs from timesheets for the past 6 months


To Date

Total actual costs from timesheets at the resource rate up to the Last Costed Date.



Table C – Other Costs

Last 6 months actuals

Actual costs for the appropriate heading:

Sub Total – actual costs from all fixed fee confirmed tasks

Timecharges – actual costs from timecharged stages.

Expenses – actual costs from expenses.

Outsourced – actual costs from expense payments against outsourced fees.

Total per month – Total actual costs for all items (time + expenses + outsourced)

Invoices – actual invoices

Balance – Invoices – Total costs per month

% Complete – Percent spend based on targeted tasks only ie Actual cost / (Actual + Anticipated Spend) calculated for fixed fee tasks only.

To Date

Total actual costs for the appropriate heading up to the Last Costed Date.

Sub Total – actual costs from all fixed fee confirmed tasks

Timecharges – actual costs from timecharged stages.

Expenses – actual costs from expenses.

Outsourced – actual costs from expense payments against outsourced fees.

Total per month – Total actual costs for all items (time + expenses + outsourced)

Invoices – actual invoices

Balance – Invoices – Total costs per month

% Complete – Percent spend based on targeted tasks only. Ie Actual cost / (Actual + Anticipated Spend) calculated for fixed fee tasks only.



Table D – Tasks

Future targets

This row shows how each task has been targeted. This provides an indication to the accuracy of the forecasted values.

Resourced: Values are taken from resource plans

Scheduled: Values are taken from scheduled targets

Link to Fee: Values are taken from the fee less a profit margin and spread over task start and finish dates

Manually: Values are manually entered and spread over task start and finish dates

Monthly figures

The monthly figures contain the forecasted amounts for each month according to the target method shown above.

Resourced: Monthly values are taken from the resource plans

Scheduled: Monthly values are taken from the task schedules

Link to Fee: Values are taken from the fee less a profit and spread evenly over the task start and finish dates.

Manually: Values are taken from a manually entered total task target spend and spread evenly over the task start and finish dates.



Table D – Other Costs


Monthly figures

The monthly figures contain the forecasted amounts for each month for the appropriate column.

Timecharges: These are calculated for each task according to its target method. Ie. From resource plan or spread evenly over the task dates as described above.

Expenses: This is the value of the Sub Total column (total forecast for all fixed fee confirmed tasks) multiplied by the non-chargeable expense percent for the service.

Outsourced: There are two methods of forecasting monthly outsourced fees.

•        By entering a schedule of payments

If no schedule is entered the system calculates the percentage of fees allocated to outsourced fees and applied that to the forecasted invoice values.

Invoiced: Forecast invoice values come from either an invoice schedule or a straight line apportionment of the fees over the task dates.


% Complete

The % complete is calculated for each month from the forecasted cost up to the month in question divided by the forecasted spend to the end of the project.

The forecasted values are calculated from the confirmed fixed fee tasks only.






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