Project Status Codes



Status codes are used to define the status of a project and which can then be used to filter a project list or quickly identify the status of a project.


Typical status codes would be:

Pending (Fee bid stage)






Some logic can be linked to status codes to prevent timesheets from being booked or time invoiced using the checkboxes on each status as described below.





A short code to uniquely identify the status


A description of the status displayed to the user

Meaning of status completes the project?

If checked, changing a project to this status sets the project as complete.

Completing a project sets all tasks within the project as 100% complete and removes any remaining resource plan allocations.

Meaning of status stops expenditure?

If checked, neither timesheets nor expenses may be booked to the project.

Meaning of status stops billing?

If checked, the project cannot be invoiced.






Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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