Purchase Orders
NOTE: You must have the Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Expenses tab page > Activate purchase orders option ticked for this functionality to be enabled on your system.
Projects > Project Expenses > Project Purchase Orders
Access Right:
Project Expenses Related Functions > Administer Project Purchases
Additional Access Rights:
The following access right are also applicable.
Access Right
Delete Project Purchases
This allows the user to have the ability to delete Project Purchases.
Purchase Orders are used to record expected expenditure on a project for items such as non-internal labour i.e. outsourced fees
Outsourced fees are part of the fees that you charge your clients but which have been sub-contracted to an external consultant. By creating a purchase order for the estimated outsourced fee these can be deducted from your expected income to calculate the predicted profit.
Please be aware that the purpose of purchase orders isn't specifically limited to recording outsourced fees. It can also be used to record project purchases such as printing, machinery hire etc.
Data Entry
Spread Over Tasks
NOTE: This is only shown when the Part of an Outsourced Fee? option is ticked.
Edit Tasks Button
The Edit Tasks button allows the percentages or values attributed to each task for this purchase order to be changed. By default, the amounts attributed to each task are in the same proportions as the total fee for each task, but if a different spread is required, the individual amounts may be changed using this button.
Payment Schedules Button
The Payment Schedules button allows you to schedule the amount due to the sub-contractor under this purchase order. Without scheduling, Timemaster calculates the cost profile of outsourced fees by following the income profile for each task.
For example, the total fee for a task is £10,000 and £2,000 is sub-contracted out. The profile for the £2,000 sub-consultant is 20% of the monthly income profile. If this is not required, then the only way to alter the profile is to enter a monthly schedule by clicking the Payment Schedules button.
To create a schedule, click in one of the cells. This gives you options to Enter the Monthly Schedule or Slip the schedule if the task has slipped.