Service Codes



Service codes are provided within Timemaster to allow you to have more than one set of activities on a project. For example, you may require one set of activities for the Planning Section and another set for the Estates Management Section. For this you would create two service codes and create two sets of activities, each under its own service. Each staff record is associated with a particular service, and each project or task is associated with a service.

Note NOTE: The following fields are located in the SERVCODE database table.


Data Entry


Database Item


Service Code


The code used to identify the Service



The name of the service

Cost Head


Exclude From Lookup Lists


Place a tick in here if you want the code to be excluded from lookup lists. This is used when the service is obsolete.




Additional Information

The best way to define a service is as a discipline or profession.

In the Standard version of Timemaster you would still be restricted to one overall fixed fee per project, but both services could record time to the same project and obtain separate reports. The alternative is to create two projects.

In the Technical version of Timemaster, you would define each task as belonging to one of the services, and obtain reports appertaining to the service of your choice.


TIPTIP: Do not be tempted to create too many services. Do not create services for what are really grades or competence levels. In a small office there would normally only be one service. In a larger office with a number of departments, services would probably relate to each department.

If in doubt, create only one service and if you find it too restrictive then expand the number of services. You will likely get a feel for what is a service when it comes to defining activity headings for booking time. If you find you are creating a whole bunch of activities only to be used by one set of people, then the likelihood is they would be better being extracted into a separate service.


Whenever a report is required on a project, say for costs to date or a profitability report, you can always run the report by service.


Click new to create a new service code or click the menu item in the grid to edit or delete a specific service code


Property Services Example

In a Property Services department the following would be different services because they carry out different types of work:


Quantity Surveyors

Clerk of Works

Services Engineers


Estates Services Example

There would normally be only one service, unless the Estates Services comprised departments doing varied work.

Strategy and Planning

Estate Maintenance

Land Sales and Purchase

The above could equally be accommodated with a single service, with reporting being carried out by selecting by group.


Non Service Example

The following are NOT examples of different services:





As they all carry out the same type of work (albeit to a different level)


A service is NOT a grouping of staff, although it often equates to a grouping of staff (because it is common to group staff by discipline); rather it is a description of the work they carry out. I.e. A person may be in the Architects section but may not necessarily be an Architect.


Very often (90%+ of the time) a service does actually equate to a grouping or department of staff.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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