Staff Fee Earning Performance Report



The Staff Fee Earning Performance report calculates the percentage of billable hours achieved against a target by month for each employee. The report effectively shows the fees earned by each staff member each month.

The initial report shows a grid of monthly performance for each employee showing the percentage of fees earned compared to a target. Double-clicking on a line opens a more detailed graphic report showing the workings behind the initial figures.


The report requires an end date and then shows thirteen periods prior to that date. The periods are taken from the period dates defined under Control Parameters.



The figures on the report are calculated as follows (some of these are intermediate calculations, and not actually shown on the resulting report).




Available Working Hours (A)

The contracted hours for the period, less any hours booked as absence.

Note for the system to correctly identify absence bookings, there is a "Is this project for  absence" checkbox on the project edit  page.

This is not the actual hours worked, but the available hours after deducting any absence.

Target Chargeable Percent (B)

This is a target percentage set for each employee and entered on their staff record.

Target Billable Hours (C)

This is the Available Working Hours (A) multiplied by the target chargeable percent (B)

Actual Billable Hours (D)

The number of hours in the period booked to project/tasks with a charge method of fixed fee or time-charged.

Actual Billable Hours % (E)

Actual Billable Hours (D) x 100% / Available Working Hours (A)

Strategic Activities (F)

The number of hours in the period booked to strategic projects.

Different organisations will want to define strategic activities differently, therefore a flag has been added to the project maintenance screens to define whether a project is strategic or not for the purposes of this report.

Any hours booked to projects thus marked will appear in the strategic row. This is then expressed as a percentage of Available Working Hours (A)

Other Non Chargeable (G)

The number of hours in the period booked to non-chargeable projects or tasks which are neither absences, overheads nor strategic projects. This is then expressed as a percentage of Available Working Hours (A)

Overheads (H)

The number of hours in the period booked to overheads except absence. Ie The overhead checkbox is checked on the project record but the absence checkbox is unchecked.

This is then expressed as a percentage of Available Working Hours (A)

Total (I)

The total of percentages (E + F + G)

Target Fee £ (J)

The Target Billable Hours (C) multiplied by the staff standard charge-out rate

Actual Fee Achieved (K)

The sum of charge costs booked through the timesheet to projects/tasks of charge method Fixed Fee or Timecharged and invoiced in the period.

This includes:

all fixed fee timesheet lines booked in the period


all timecharged timesheet lines invoiced in the period, even if they were booked to a timesheet in an earlier date. Billable lines not invoiced are excluded from this figure.

Target Fee Achieved % (L)

The Actual Fee Achieved (J) x 100% / Target Fee (I)

Target Fee Achieved % Rolling Average (M)

The Target Fee Achieved (K) as a rolling average throughout the periods.

Actual Hours Billed (N)

The sum of chargeable hours actually billed.

This includes only chargeable hours invoiced and excludes hours worked but written off.

Conversion Rate % (O)

The conversion rate is the Actual Hours Billed (M) x 100% / Actual Billable Hours (D).  This indicates whether time has been booked and written off/up or is still being deferred.







Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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