Staff Grades



Staff grades are provided to categorise staff by level of rank or grade within an organisation. You may wish to do this for the following reasons:

To enter a resource demand by grade rather than person, when the actual person undertaking the assignment is unknown. (If resourcing by grade you are recommended instead to use staff roles for this purpose, as staff roles provide a more detailed definition of the role required)

To print on a sales invoice, the grade of the person undertaking the work, as opposed to the name of the actual person

To print a report of expenditure on a project or client by grade of person worked


Once staff grades have been defined within the Setups menu, a (single) grade may be allocated to each employee.

The difference between staff roles and grades is that you may only allocate a single grade to a member of staff, whereas you may allocate multiple staff roles to a member of staff



To create a new staff grade:-

 Click the New button.

 To edit or delete staff grade details, click the edit options on the in-line menu for the row you wish to edit.


Data Entry



* Grade code

The unique code identifying the grade

* Description

A description of the activity

Resource rate

The rate to be used when calculating the resource cost of the resource allocation

Recharge Rate

The rate to be used when calculating the charge cost of the resource allocation

Available for use

Un-check this box to prevent the staff role from being used further






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