


The Suppliers List allows suppliers to be created, edited and deleted. The supplier is a mandatory entry on a project purchase order record and optional on a project expense record.



 To create a new supplier, click the New button.

 To edit or delete supplier details, click the edit options in the in-line menu for the row you wish to edit.


The edit pages are separated into smaller edit pages which are only accessible after the supplier record has been created. This is because some items (such a supplier contacts) may only be created once the main record exists. Many items are optional and may not be required so have been moved onto optional pages.


Edit Supplier Details



* Code

8 character code identifying the supplier. Leave blank and a code will be created from the name plus a sequential number. Alternatively you may wish to enter your own supplier code to keep it compatible with external systems (eg Accounts).

* Display Name

The name of the company that appears in lookup lists

Postal Name

The name of the company that appears on invoices

Office address

The postal address

Payment address

The payment address is used by the contract payments routine in the Contracts module. It allows a different address from the office address to be used for contract payments.


Main switchboard telephone number

Fax No

Fax number

External Ref

Spare field, often used to store the client reference from an external accounting system

Co Registration No

Company registration number

VAT Number

Optional. If supplied can be printed on a sales invoice

Available for Use

Normally checked. This can be un-checked if the supplier is to be deactivated without actually deleting the supplier record.


Notes may be entered for the supplier


Edit Supplier Tax and Insurance Details

This page contains a number of optional fields of use for checking on supplier insurances and sending out reminders. The self billing and VAT details are used only by the Contractor Payments module.



CIS Certificate:

CIS deduction is built-in to the payment program (only if generating the payment certificate) with the following rules:

NONE - The contractor cannot be used on a CIS contract

CIS 4 - CIS must always be deducted on the payment

CIS 5 or 6 - Payment may be made without deducting CIS providing the certificate has not expired

EXEMPT - No CIS checking undertaken



If the checkbox: "Is contractor certified for self billing of VAT" is checked, the payments may be processed without a VAT receipt being entered. If not, the VAT receipt must be recorded before payment may be made

Reminder Dates

Two reminder dates are provided for chasing up reminders regarding insurance certificates.

Insurance Details

Insurance details are provided as narrative fields in order to store additional information on contractors.


Supplier Contacts

The suppliers database maintains a list of contacts for the supplier. This is only used for information.

To create a new contact, click the New button.

To edit or delete a contact, click the relevant option from the in-line menu.

To return to clients, click the Suppliers List link from the Related Topics.





The contacts name


The full name of the contact including the title i.e. Mr, Mrs etc.

Note NOTE: When using the Workflow module it is important for you to populate this as it is commonly used as a Workflow Tag to populate letter documents.


The contacts job title

Tel No

The contacts telephone number (ddi)

Fax no

The contacts fax number (if applicable)


The contacts mobile number


The contacts email address

Invoice Address

The contacts invoice address




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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