Task Date Baselines



Projects Targets > Baseline button.

Access Right:

Project Related Functions > Project Management Functions > Create Baselines.

Project Related Functions > Project Management Functions > Unlock Baselines.



The Baseline button creates and updates project baselines. A baseline contains a snapshot of task target dates and costs so it can be reported on at a later date.

Within the grid are shown four columns for reporting progress:


Variance Hours

Shows the variance between baseline and latest target hours.

(Baseline Hours – Target Hours)

Variance Costs

Shows the variance between baseline and latest target cost.

(Baseline Cost – Target Cost)

% Spend

Shows the percentage spend over latest target. Use this to compare with the baseline spend.

(Actual Cost x 100% / Target Cost)

% Baseline Spend

Shows the percentage spend over baseline target.

(Actual Cost x 100% / Baseline Cost)



There are two options under the Baselines button.

•        Create Baseline

Lock/Unlock Baseline


Create Baseline



Timemaster contains 3 baselines, the descriptions for which are defined in the Control Parameters (Windows Interface > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameter > Dates & Baselines tab page). If a baseline has been locked to prevent it from being overwritten, then it will be disabled, and the next baseline will have to be used.

When reporting baseline figures in the grid, the latest available baseline is used.

To create a baseline:

•        Select the baseline to create/update

Click the OK button


To clear a baseline,

•        Select the baseline to create/update

Click the Clear Baseline button


When a baseline is saved, all dates are saved into the baseline dates except those with actual dates. If a task has an actual date, then the baseline date is not updated, and will be set to the contents of the previous baseline.


Lock/Unlock Baselines


This option allows baselines to be locked or un-locked.

Each baseline is shown with a locked checkbox. To lock a baseline, check its checkbox. To un-lock a baseline, clear its checkbox.

Baselines may be defined to lock automatically after they have been updated, to prevent them from being accidentally overwritten. This option is defined in the Control Parameters.




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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