Task Dates Configuration


The Tasks button allows target dates and target hours to be entered by project managers on tasks. This allows project managers to set targets within Timemaster Web for the projects under their control.

Not all tasks may require targets. In addition it may be required to restrict access to setting targets only to project managers. This topic describes how to configure Timemaster to allow project managers to set targets and should be read by the Timemaster Administrator.



The configuration of tasks for date entry depends on three items:

User Access Rights for altering data

Whether the task has targets (defined by its target method)

Whether the task requires start and  finish dates (defined by its visibility for resource planning)

The structure of the project (how the project is split into parent and child dates)


User Access Right for Altering Data

There are three access rights to define in order to allow project managers to set target hours and dates. Both are located under the Project Management Functions branch.




Edit Task Dates

Allows access to change dates

Edit Task Targets

Allows access to change target hours

Change Task Date Edit Setting

Allows access to change the date editing options:

Change weekend dates to Fridays

Edit parent or child task dates


Task Target Method

Tasks may be allocated one of five target methods. The target method is defined on the Edit Task Fee page.



Target Method


Implication in Timemaster Web

Built from Resource plan

The target is built up by entering a resource plan

The target page is shown but alteration is not allowed

Manually Entered

The target is manually entered

The target page is shown and the target hours may be entered

Linked to Fee

The target is linked to the fee less a percentage

The target page is shown and the target may be overridden in Timemaster Web

Manually Scheduled

The target is scheduled over a monthly period

The target page is shown and the target may be overridden in Timemaster Web

No Targets

No targets are required for the task

The target page will not be shown in Timemaster Web


Task Dates

The factor that determines whether task dates may be edited in is defined by the Resource Planning setting. (Even if you do not have the resource planning module this setting is still used).




Available for date and resource planning

Dates may be edited

Show in Gantt Chart but not in resource plan

Dates may be edited

Hide both in Gantt Chart and Resource Plans

Dates may not be edited


The Structure of the Project

If you have a simple project structure where all tasks are on the same level, then the dates may be entered for all tasks as shown in the screen image below. The option for editing Parent or Child dates is irrelevant – all dates may be altered.



If you have a parent and child project structure where tasks are grouped together, then you must choose which set of dates are to be entered; the parent dates or the child dates.

If you have split the tasks into child tasks for the purposes of fee recovery, or monitoring against a target and the dates are all the same then you should choose to enter Parent dates as you will have less dates to enter.

If you still require each child task to be independently date--scheduled then you will have to choose to enter child dates, and suffer the fact that more dates have to be entered.



The rules for transferring dates between parent and child tasks are listed below:

Altering a parent date copies the date down to all child tasks

Altering a parent actual date copies the actual date down to all child tasks

Altering child dates sets the parent date to the earliest start and latest finish of its children

Altering child actual start dates sets the parent start date to the earliest child actual start

Altering child actual finish dates sets the parent actual finish date blank until the last child actual finish date has been entered. Then the parent actual finish is set to the latest actual finish child date


Task Targets

Within the task dates edit page, the remaining target hours may be entered. This updates the target for the task an optionally, calculates the percentage completion.

If you want the percentage completion to be calculated, check the "When calculating task targets, also re-calculate the percentage completion?" checkbox on the Control Parameters.


Hiding Cost Columns

The Task Dates grid also contains cost columns. If required, these may be hidden from some users by revoking the access right: View Task Costs in Resources.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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