Time and Expense Costs to Date (explained)PurposeExplains how Timemaster calculates Time and Expense Costs to Date
DefinitionThe costs of all time, non-chargeable staff expenses, and non-outsourced project expenses that have been invoiced, or are in WIP, less any discounts (up to the reporting date)
How to check the figures in the software;-Time 1.Timesheet Enquiry grid 2.Tick the Actual Time-charges option on the Include button 3.Filter by the project (if necessary) 4.Filter to only include Timesheet Line Status = ‘F’ (finalised – this will include invoiced lines too) 5.Set the high date to the reporting date 6.The total of the Resource Cost column is the cost of all the time invoiced, or currently in WIP
Staff Expenses (non chargeable) 1.Staff Expenses grid 2.Filter by the project (if necessary) 3.Filter to include only Expense Status = ‘A’ (approved) or ‘I’ (invoiced) 4.Set the high date to the reporting date 5.Filter the grid to only show expenses where the Charge = 0 (zero) 6.The total of the Cost column is the cost of all non-chargeable staff expenses invoiced, or currently in WIP
Project Expenses (non outsourced) 1.Project Expenses grid 2.Filter by the project (if necessary) 3.Filter to include only Expense Status = ‘A’ (approved) or ‘I’ (invoiced) 4.Set the high date to the reporting date 5.Filter the grid to only show expenses where the Outsourced Cost? = N 6.The total of the Cost column is the cost of all the non-outsourced project expenses invoiced, or currently in WIP
Time and Expense Costs to Date = Time Enquiry grid: Resource Cost + Staff Expenses grid: Cost + Project Expenses grid: Cost
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