Write-Off Detail


Only by drilling down from the Write-Off Summary

Access Right:

Reports > Project Enquiries > Write-Off Summary



Shows a list off all write-off records for a specific project between two date ranges.



The example below shows a time write-off of £616.66 and an expense write-off of £258.00.

Notice how the time write off has two records assigned to it. This is because the write-off was created at the task level of the WIP Detail page. In this instance the system has selected two separate timesheet lines in order to fulfill the £616.66 write-off amount.

Therefore, when writing time off at this level in WIP, it would not be uncommon to see several lines with the same reason comment assigned to it especially if the write-off is a significant amount.


Sample Reports

Write-Off Detail Report




Related Topics

Write-Off Summary

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