Annual Leave Summary Report

Note NOTE: This is only applicable if you have either the ‘Flexi-Time’ or ‘Holiday Only’ functionality installed.



The Annual Leave Summary Report shows a summary of remaining annual leave and the number of weeks to the end of the leave year. The purpose of this report is to provide managers with a method of estimating how many days are likely to be lost to annual leave  yet to be requested.





Leave Start Date

The holiday entitlement for the member of staff


The number of days taken (in the past) from the annual leave start date to today


The number of days already planned in the future


The number of days not yet planned

Left to Take

The number of days left to take, including leave already planned.

No of Weeks Left

The number of weeks left in the holiday year in which to take the holidays

Available TOIL

The number of approved TOIL hours banked (yet to be spent).

Booked TOIL

The number of TOIL hours allocated to future TOIL absence requests (requested or approved).


Related Topics

Absence Summary Report

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