Approving Overtime


To approve overtime, select the Approve Overtime option from the menu


Access Right:

Approve Overtime



Overtime is normally approved by the line manager by approving the timesheet (or project manager when approving timesheet lines). However, some organisations require an additional approval for overtime. This function provides the additional approval.

Depending on your configuration, the additional approval requirements may not be activated, in which case you will not see this option.



Only timesheet lines which are already approved via the normal timesheet approval process are included in grid for additional approval.

A grid is shown into which overtime which is marked for your approval is displayed.




By default the grid will only contain timesheet lines waiting approval. If you wish to include previously approved lines, then click the Include button at the top of the grid and check the lines you wish to include.

The first column in the grid is a checkbox. Select the lines you wish to approve or reject and use the buttons at the bottom of the window to apply the button function to the selected lines.



Selects all the rows in the grid


UN-selects all the rows in the grid


Approves all selected rows


Un-approves all select ed rows


Rejects all selected rows. A rejection reason is required


Un-rejects all selected rows.


Click to learn about customising grids.




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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