Creating a New Absence Correction

To create a new absence which does not require the absence requests route after the timecard has been completed is done using the New Absence button within the Flexi Corrections window.




Use this option to record an absence retrospectively of the type which does not require an absence request after the timecard has been completed.

If the timecard has not been completed then the absence may be entered within the timecard, but if the timecard has been completed then it must be entered as a correction.

This option would not normally be required as most users will use the Absence Requests functions, however, it is included for those absence types which do not need a request procedure and the timecard has been previously completed.





This option creates a new absence outside the request procedure, directly into the timecard. Whatever rules have been created for attendance corrections with regard to approval and verification also apply to these absences. This option should not be greatly used as you should be recording absence through the absence request procedure instead, but may be required for entering retrospective absence on a completed timecard.


Date of the absence


The type of absence from the drop down list.

Only absence type allowed outside the requests procedure are available


Custom allows any two times to be entered

Balance calculates the balance remaining from existing attendance times for the same day

Absence Reason

An absence reason may be required, depending on the type of absence

Absence notes

You can record any notes here




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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