Absence Requests



Shows a list of the staff member's absence requests which can then be processed as outlined below.



To Create a new absence request, click the New Absence button above the list.

To Edit an absence request, double-click through the line, or select the Edit option from the in-grid menu.

To Delete an absence request, select the Delete option from the in-grid menu. You cannot delete an approved absence, it must unapproved first.

To Recall an approved request, select the Recall option from the in-grid menu. Recalling is only applicable to Approved absences.

To Approve / Un-approve or Reject an absence request, select the Approve / Un-approve option from the in-grid menu (refer to additional access rights at the top of this topic).

To Create a Recurring Absence, i.e. an absence which reoccurs every week such as college leave, click the New Recurring Absence button above the list.


Additional Information

The Absence Requests page shows a breakdown of this years entitlement (to the left) and next years entitlement as a summary (to the right).



Related Topics

Absence Chart

Absence Summary Report


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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