Deleting a Timesheet Line(s)



This option allows the user to delete a single, or multiple timesheet lines.


Additional Information

Timesheet lines may only be deleted if the status is In-Progress.

Timesheet lines created from Global Holidays or Holiday Requests cannot be deleted directly from your Timesheet.



Single Line deletion - review before deletion

1. Click the btnGridMenu to the left of the timesheet line you want to delete.

2. Select Delete Timesheet Line - the Delete Timesheet Line page is now shown.

3. Click the Delete button to confirm deletion - the timesheet line will now be deleted from your Timesheet.


Single / Multiple line deletion - directly from the Timesheet grid

1. Place a tick in the box to the left of the timesheet line(s) you want to delete.

2. Click the Delete button - the timesheet lines will now be deleted from your Timesheet.


Resourcing Functionality only

You cannot delete a timesheet line that relates to a project you have been resourced against.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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