Edit Invoice Header



This section explains how to change all invoice details, change, and print the invoice status.



How to...

hmtoggle_plus1Edit the invoice narrative which appears on the invoice.
hmtoggle_plus1Edit the invoice comments (which do not appear on the invoice).
hmtoggle_plus1Edit the main invoice details.
hmtoggle_plus1Edit individual invoice lines.
hmtoggle_plus1Change the tax codes.
hmtoggle_plus1Apply Discounts.
hmtoggle_plus1Create a pre-payment line.
hmtoggle_plus1Update Finance Codes.
hmtoggle_plus1Add/Delete file attachments.
hmtoggle_plus1Preview / Print the Invoice.
hmtoggle_plus1Delete the invoice.
hmtoggle_plus1Change the Approved invoice back to Draft status.
hmtoggle_plus1Change the Draft invoice to Approved status.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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