Edit Project Invoicing Parameters



Project invoicing parameters contain settings which affect the invoicing of a project. For example, you may specifiy a different invoicing contact or client to the reporting client, and may define a maximum invoice limit for the project, as well as defining the VAT code and billing currency.


Data Entry

Invoicing Parameters

Invoicing Client (if different to main client)

This defines an alternative invoicing client if you need to report to one client but send the actual invoices to another client.

Invoicing contact

Defines the contact details for the invoice.

The address of the recipient of the invoice is taken from the Invoicing Contact first and if blank is then taken from the Reporting Client Contact. If the address on the contact record is blank the address on the client record is then used.

Overall invoice limit

This is an overall invoice limit that applies to the project, including expenses.

The system will not allow invoices to exceed this value.

If this value would be exceeded during an invoice generation, the generation will halt and warn you that the limit would be breached. You must then take the appropriate action to lower the charge (write off time, increase the limit etc.)

If the project is a container, the limit applies to the container (ie all related project invoices) and is a method of setting an overall cap.

A zero value indicates no limit.

Percentage discount on fees

This allows a discount for fees and time-charges to be specified. Discounts allocated to the project are copied through to the invoice with the discount allocated to set to Fees and Time-charges only. Project discounts are not applied to expenses.

If you need to apply a discount to an expense, you must first generate and then enter a discount on the invoice.

The effect of entering a percentage discount for the project is similar to editing an invoice after it has been generated, entering a percentage discount and checking the "apply to fees and apply to time-charges " check boxes.

Discount text

This text feeds through to the invoice, where it can be picked up and printed

Include project in batch generation?

By default this check box will be checked. Leave un-checked if you want to exclude the project from the batch invoice generation. You will have to generate the invoice manually from within the WIP screens.

Invoicing Narrative

Invoice Title

The title for the invoice

Invoice Report

The report file used to create invoices. Click here for other options.

Note NOTE: You will probably have one report which caters for both Invoice and Credit note outputs. If you do have this type of report you should populate both the Invoice Report and Credit Note report values with this report name.

However, if you have two separate reports you must specify the correct file name in the correct input box.

Credit Note Report

Invoice Narrative

The narrative for printing on the invoice which applies to the invoice overall (as opposed to specific lines for expenses or tasks).

For example, "Fees in connection with professional service for.....".

Private Comments

These are copied to the invoice so they can be seen by the finance team.

Container Settings

Is this project a container

Container projects are umbrella projects which allow contained projects to be invoiced together under a single invoice. Normally each project is invoiced separately – one project per invoice. Containers allow a number of projects to be invoiced under one invoice number.

Container projects may not have tasks, fees, timesheets or expenses allocated to them. They are simply containers for other projects which will have tasks and expenditure associated with them.

Is project invoiced under a container

Defines whether the (normal) project is to be invoiced under a container.

Can this project be invoiced outside the container?

If the project is contained within a container, this flag determines whether it can be invoiced outside the container on its own.

Container Project

Defines the container project if the above checkbox is checked.

Currency & Tax


Defines the billing currency of the project.

All fixed fees as time-charge rates must be entered in this currency

The multi-currency module is an extra cost item. This option is disabled if the multi-currency option has not been purchased.

Fixed exchange rate for the life of the project?

Check this if there is a fixed exchange rate.

Exchange rate

Enter the exchange rate agreed by the client for this project

Tax Code

Defines the default vat code which will be allocated to every invoice line.

Time-charge Rate Table

Rate table

The rate table defines the charge rate to be applied and is also available at the task level. This field defines the default rate table to be allocated to all new tasks on the project.

Changing this field copies the new rate table to all tasks and optionally re-costs historic timesheets. Click here to see how to change a rate table.


Note NOTE: The 'cost using resource rate....' option is only shown if the control settings are enabled to use custom cost rates - (Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Staff Details tab page > Enable Custom Resource Rates).

Cost using resource rates on custom recharge table?

Check this entry box to cost projects against the resource rate defined against the custom rate table.

If this project is split into the task this setting becomes the default setting when creating tasks. Changing this option when tasks are already defined allows this setting to be propagated to the tasks based on three methods:

Do not ripple changes to tasks.

Change tasks that match the original project setting.

Change all task to new value.

Charge day rates instead of hourly rates

Check this option if you want day charge-rates to apply to the project instead of hourly rates.

Minimum number of hours for a full day before changing to a half-day charge

This is a minimum number of hours below which a half-day will be charged, instead of a full day.

Note that the day rate charging parameter in the control parameters must allow for half-day charging.




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