Edit Project Details



This option allows project header details to be edited.


Data Entry

Note NOTE: Much of this data is optional; however you should ensure that you enter:


Project Leader

Define whether the project is split into tasks (stages) or not.


Header Details

Project Title

The name of the project displayed in lookup lists


The client for the project. The list of clients is maintained here.

Note NOTE: This can be set to mandatory by ticking the Control Parameters > Projects tab page >  Make client code mandatory? option.

Client contact

The client contact name for the project

Click the Edit button to edit the contact details

To create a new contact, clear the contents of the contact field, and click the New/Edit  button. The new client contact will be saved to the client contacts database and set as the contact for this project.

Clients Order No

The client’s order number for the project and will be copied across to any invoiced produced in Timemaster for this project.

Commission Date

The date the project was commissioned

Client Liaison

The member of staff responsible for the project externally

Project Leader

The member of staff responsible for managing the project internally

Project Deputy

The member of staff to deputise for the project leader


Finance Code

The finance code for charging sales invoices to for this project.

The finance code is generally used by Local Authorities who operate a corporate accounting system.


The status is an important data field on the project as it defines whether the project is visible on the timesheet and can accept time and whether the project can be invoiced.

Changing the project status changes the following three attributes:

· Expenditure Stopped: prevents timesheets and expenses

· Invoices Stopped: prevents an invoice from being generated

· Project Complete: determines if the project is shown in the project listings.

These three items can be set independently instead of changing the status.

Status Date

Allow different expenditure codes on tasks

Tick this to allow different expenditure codes to be entered on the project’s tasks. If ticked, then the expenditure code on the task record is enabled. If not ticked the expenditure code ALWAYS comes from the project.

Expenditure Stopped

If there is a need to totally stop expenditure to a project this option should be checked. If this is checked staff will not be able to book time or raise expenses to the project.

Invoice Stopped / Suspended

If this is checked no invoices can be raised for the project.

Project Complete

The project completion marker is used to remove projects from the main project grid, timesheets and reports. A date is provided to record the date of the project completion.

Changing the status to one which has expenditure stopped will mark the project as complete, or the completed flag may be independently set.

If the project completed flag is changed from not-complete to complete, then you will be prompted to run a project completion routine. This routine will set all resourcing tasks to 100% complete and remove any remaining resource allocations.

Date Complete

This will be automatically populated with the current date when the Project Complete flag is ticked.

Additional Details


The classification is a user defined category. Categories are maintained within the Timemaster Windows application. If no classification codes have been defined the classification code will be hidden from view.

Priority Code

An indication of the priority of the project.

Setting Description;-




File Reference

A textual reference used to track this project internally

External Reference

A textual reference used to track this project externally

Work Description

Description of work

A textural description of the work content

Project Location

A textural description of the location of the project

Project Planning

Tasks Required

Defines if the project is to be split into tasks (stages) or not.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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