Project Listing



The Project Listing grid provides access to a list of projects with the ability to view, edit and report on project details. Once in the project page, the current project is shown in the project banner and all project editing and reporting functions are available from the project’s sub menu via right clicking the project line.

The access rights to edit project will be limited by your system administrator, so although you may have access to the project listing, you may be limited in what you may actually carry out in it.

The project listing provides multiple views and depending on your role within the organisation, client manager, project manager, administrator etc., you should find one that suits your need as an everyday project tracker. The system will remember the view you were last using and always open that view first.



TIPTIP: If you cant see the project you are looking for check which settings you have on the btnInclude button!

The grid contains a list of projects you have access to. The projects included in your list are determined by matching service involvement in the project with the service you provide and can book time to on the timesheet.

The columns in the grid can be customised – please see the topic on customising grids.


The project listing option contains three additional views which you can switch between:

The switch between views is carried out by changing the View drop down on the right hand side.


Profitability View

This view is only available if the Project Management module is installed.

This view shows a summary of predicted profitability for each project along with a traffic light of expected profit or loss.

This view takes longer to load than the project list because of the background calculations required to calculate the profitability.

Target View

This view is only available if the Project Management module is installed.

This view shows a comparison of expected expenditure (cost expenses so far + cost to complete) against a baseline target, along with a traffic light of expected overrun.

This view takes longer to load than the project list because of the background calculations required to calculate the predicted spend.

Project Limit View

This view shows a comparison of expected income against an agreen project invoice limit, along with a traffic light of expected overrun.

This view takes longer to load than the project list because of the background calculations required to calculate the predicted spend.


The projects page contains a banner showing the currently selected project. This is the "current" project and all operations using the Project Management+ and Reports+ related links will be carried out on the current project shown in the banner.


Once you have selected the project you are currently interested in, you can move between all the different project functions using the menu shown above. Ie, edit fees, change dates, obtain reports, etc. Once you have finished with a project and wish to use a different one, click the Projects List related link to return you to the project listing page where you can then select a different project.




Access Right

Project List

Returns to the project listing page

Project Listing

Create New Project


Creates a new project

Create Project

Edit Project menu

The project editing functions have been split into various functions in order to restrict some parts

Edit Project Details

Edit project details (main page)

Edit Project Details

Edit Project Fee Bid Details

Allows fee bidding details to be entered

Edit Project Fee Bid Details

Edit Project Staff Restrictions

Defines whether the project is available to all staff and if not, the list of staff it is restricted to

Edit Staff Restrictions

Edit Project Settings

Allows system flags to be edited on a project, such as whether activities or notes required.

Edit Project Settings

Edit Project Charging Parameters

Only applicable for task-less projects.

Used to set up the projects Charging, Percentage Completion and Targeting parameters.

{Edit Project Charging Parameters}

Edit Project Invoicing Parameters

Only applicable for task-less projects.

Used to set up the projects Invoicing, Container, Currency & Tax, and Rate table parameters.

{Edit Project Invoicing Parameters}

Edit Project Invoicing Parameters

Project Values

Edit the construction value for the project

Project Value

Edit Project Notes

Allows project notes to be edited

Edit Project Notes

Edit Project User Fields

Allows user field values to be edited

Edit Project User Fields

Manage User Favourites

Provides a way of assigning the project to users favourites

Allocate to Users

Hide or Delete Project

Gives the user the ability to mark a project as 'Hidden' or permanently delete the project.

Hide Projects or Delete projects

Open Project Folder

Open the project folder

Allow access to Project Folder in Web

Add to Favourites

Clicking this option adds the selected project to your favourites list.

View Projects Other Than Favourites

Project Management

Project Services

Edit project services. If the Project Management module has not been purchased, this option moves to the New & Edit menu drop down.

Edit Project Services

Project Fees

Edit project fees and invoicing methods

Project Fees

Percentage Completions

Provides a simple method of updating percentage completions for all tasks on the selected project.

Project Related Functions > Project Management Functions > Percentage Completions

Project Targets

Open the Tasks Dates window to allow target dates and target hours to be entered

Edit Tasks (view option)

Project Estimates

The purpose of the project estimating screen is to create a quote to bid for new prospective work.

Edit Project Estimates


Profitability Bar Chart

The profitability bar-chart report is useful for multi-service organisations who have multiple services on a project as it compares profitability between each service and gives an overall profitability.




Project Profitability View in Web (income and profit lines)


Project Targeting View in Web

(cost lines)

Profitability Timeline Graph

The profitability timeline graph shows a linear graph of project profitability over time.

Profitability Schedule

The profitability schedule provides a schedule of income, expenditure and profit for an individual service on a project with a monthly profile.

Profitability Detail Report

The profitability details report shows a detailed list of transactions for the project; timesheet costs, expense costs, invoices and profit.

Target vs Actuals Graph

Displays the actual progress against targets graphically

Project Targeting View in Web


Task Targets Enquiry

Provides a grid view various targeting information for each task.

Project Targeting View in Web

Task Resource Estimates

Target Hours Drilldown

Timesheet Enquiry

Shows a list of all time booked to the selected project.

One or more of the ‘View Timesheet Enquiry’ rights

Expenses Enquiry

Shows a list of expenses specific to the selected project.

Reports > Timesheet Enquiries > Expense Costs Enquiry

Invoices Enquiry

Shows a list of invoices specific to the selected project.

Project Views and Reports > Invoice Enquiry

Write-Off Summary

Shows a list of write-offs and their comments specific to the selected project.

Reports > Project Enquiries > Write-Off Summary


User Fields

The project list may also be used to display user fields by selecting them from the Customise Grids option, however, user fields are not added to the customisable fields by default, they must first be defined by the system administrator as being available within the web application. For more information, please read the topic on project user fields in the Windows Online Help. (The section you need in the Windows Help is Setups > Project Related Codes > Project User Fields).



Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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