Introduction to Workflow
• Provides a checklist of actions required on a project. •Centrally files all outgoing project related documentation so all documents are easily accessible to all persons involved in the project. •Files project related e-mails and external files so they are included in the project documentation. •Allows some actions to be marked as not required with a reason. •Allocates staff responsibilities and dates due to key actions. •Populates project documents automatically with repetitive project related data. •Allows additional data to be entered on a project using question-answer items. •Provides facility to link online guidance from your quality system. •Keeps an audit trail of changes made to check-list actions. •Makes it easy for others to see how far projects have progressed and what is left to do. •Additional actions for which there is no standard document such as letters, faxes, memos etc. are automatically filed along with the rest of the project documentation.
Before using Workflow for the first time, please read the information regarding Internet Security Settings==Internet_Security_Settings}
The Wokflow module can be accessed either from the top level Projects menu, or for the project already selected within the Project Listing page from the Workflow option within the Planning menu.
Now click on the link to learn how to start using the Project Checklist
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