Workflow Project Checklist


Workflow is accessed by clicking the Workflow Document Management option from the Project Management menu under Projects.


Access Right:

User must have option ‘Workflow user’ set on their login record and must have the access right ‘Project Workflow Actions’.



The hub of Workflow centres on the project checklist. The project checklist is a list of actions which are normally carried out on a project. Each of these actions may:

•        Be marked as not required

Be allocated a due date

Be allocated to an individual or service

Be allocated a status and a comment

Have documents attached to them

Using the Project Checklist it is easy to see which items are not required, which items have been done, and which have yet to be done. You can also see who actually produced the document, its status and when it was completed.



Action Code

Identifies the checklist item


The revision number of the action. This is incremented by one each time a document is completed or a duplicate actions is added to the checklist


The title for the action. This may be changed by right-clicking and select Edit Action


The service related to the action. This may be changed by right-clicking and select Change Service


The person allocated as responsible for the action. This may be changed by right-clicking and selecting Change Responsibility

Date Due

If a date due is not required this will show N/A

If a date due is required, this will show the date due. This may be changed by right-clicking and selecting Change Date Due


Shows whether an action is related to a document

Status Icon

Shows a green tick if action is complete, or a red cross if the action is not required


Shows a paper clip icon if the action has attached documents


Shows the status of the action

Date Complete

Shows the date completed


Shows a question icon if the action is a question


Shows the response text to question actions


Shows the comments text

Date Amended

Shows the last date the document was amended

Amended By

Shows the person who last amended the document


The checklist columns can be customised with respect to the columns shown and order they are shown in. See the topic on customising the checklist==Customising_the_Project_Checklist}.


The main purpose of the project list is two-fold:

•        To provide a checklist of items required on a project

To assist in preparing project documents and a means of checking off completed actions


All functions are undertaken using by selecting the action, and bringing up a menu by right-clicking.




Adds new actions to the checklist==Adding_New_Actions}


Changes the action title


Deletes the action


Copies actions from a template project


Generates the project document from the template document


Deletes the project document


Attaches external files to the action


Opens the project folder This provides an explorer view of the project documents


Opens the guidance notes associated with the action  


Provides access to the right-click menu


All menu items are discussed in their separate help topic. Click on the links below to read about each function, or select the topic from the table of contents.


Adds new actions to the checklist==Adding_New_Actions}


Changes the action title


Deletes the action


Attaches external files to the action


Marks an action as not required


Changes the status of an action (thereby completing it)


Changes the service allocated to the action (thereby changing responsibility)


Change responsibility for an action


Changes the date due


Changes the comments for an action


View the audit trail for an action


Send an email to select parties


Assigns a document prepared outside of workflow to an action. This would be used where a document has been prepared offline and needs to be added to the action


Books a document out to work on offline


Undoes a previous book out


Books a document back in after booking out


To learn how to add new actions, click on the Adding New Actions link

To learn how to create documents, click on the Creating Documents link

To learn how to change dates and responsibilities, click on the Editing & Manipulating Actions topic in the Table of Contents in the left hand window of the Help.

If you do not have the Workflow option, then please see the troubleshooting guide




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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