Open Project Folder



The project folder allows you to store project related files in a common file location. The file location can be structured so all files relating to that project are stored in the project sub-folder.


Additional Information


When you have decided where the projects documentation is to be stored you will need to do the following;-

1.From within Windows Explorer create the root folder as a network share.

2.Edit the security settings on this folder and ensure the IIS Application Pool account your Timemaster Web application is using has Read/Write access to this folder.

3.Open the Windows Application and navigate to Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Additional Projects tab page.

4.Enter the fully qualified share name into the Project documents are stored in the following folder option.


TIPTIP: If you suffix the parameter %PROJECT%\ to the end of the document path a separate folder will be created for each ProjectID..


There are no additional access rights which can be granted to specific files. If you have access to the Project folder you can view, edit or delete any of the files in the folder.

The root folder is either;-

Created when you create the project (refer to Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Additional Projects tab page). or

Created when you first enter if (the user is prompted to allow the system to create the folder before it is physically created).


The user cannot delete the root folder from within the software once it is created. Deletion can only be achieved via Windows Explorer.


Note NOTE: For security reasons it is advised that users do not know the actual location of the Project files. Instead, they should navigate to this folder via the software. They can then only see project documents relating to the projects they have access to in Timemaster.



You can Add new files and Delete existing ones via the toolbar to the top right of the Project Folder window.

You can also Create new and Delete existing sub-folders from the same toolbar.

To open an existing project document double-click it from the list of existing files.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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