Percentage Completions
PurposeThe Percentage Completions option allows the percentage completion to be entered for a number of tasks at one go on a project. This page has been provided so that Project/Task Managers can quickly update the percentage completions for each of the Tasks they are responsible for without the need to separately edit each individual task.
Additional InformationThe contents of the grid can be changed to show either target information or fee information. The default view is to show target information but this can be changed under the Control Parameters > Fees & Targets tab page > Web % Completion data entry to show fee or target spend.
OperationTo enter percentage completions: 1.If you are a multi discipline organisation with more than one service you should select the service to edit from the drop down list of Services. This will list the task you have visibility of for the selected Service. 2.Change the Effective Date to the date you want to allocate to the percent complete. 3.Enter the percentage completion for the tasks which have changed. 4.Click the Save button.
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