Project Fee Bid Tracking Report



To access the Project Fee Bid Tracking Report, click the Project Fee Bid Tracking Report option from the Reports Menu.


Access Right:

Project Fee Bid Tracking Report



The Project Fee Bid Tracking Report shows the status of all fee bids within a date range and their expected outcome by proposer.

The proposer may be defined as either the Client Liaison or Project Leader.  

The report is initially presented as a summary report showing the total number of fee bids and value by proposer. A detailed report is available which shows the detail of each fee bid – project details, value, probability and comments. Double-click to get the detailed report for a single proposer, or click the View Details button to see the details for all proposer.


A sample report is shown at the end of this help topic.



The report requires a range of dates to continue. The submission date of the fee bid is checked when filtering fee bids within the date range. The report comprises two access rights, view fee bids by proposer or by report group so you may be limited to only viewing your own fee bids.

The report contains two columns for unresolved fee bids: Pipeline and Forecast.

Pipeline contains fee bids which have a probability of less than 50%

Forecast contains fee bids which have a probability of 50% or more

When a fee bid is resolved it moves to either the won or lost column.

Fee bidding information is maintained under the Project Listing > New & Edit > Edit Project Fee Bids option.


Sample Reports

Summary Report




Related Topics

Edit Project Fee Bid Details

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