Edit Project Fee Bid Details



Quite often projects start life as a speculative fee bid and are created in order to track time spent on the fee bid. This page allows you to maintain information for tracking fee bids and the outcome of each one.


Data Entry

All settings here are disabled until the check box Is or was the project used to track a fee bid? is checked. Once checked you may enter the details, value and outcome of the fee bid.

Note NOTE: The Project Fee Bid Tracking Report provides an analysis of performance on fee-bids in terms of number and value of projects won and lost.





Pending, On Hold, Won or Lost. The status of an active fee bid should be Pending until the outcome is known.

Probability of project going ahead

Your estimate of success for the project

Fee type

Fixed fee or Time-charge

Estimated fee value

Estimate value worth

Submission date

Date of fee bid submissions

Outcome date

Date of the actual outcome

Outcome Analysis

A selection of outcomes

Contract work

Yes or No check-box.

Contract months

Duration (in months) that the contract is likely to run for.

Description of work

A brief description of the work to be carried out


These are comments on the fee bid. You can use then to track progress.

Note NOTE: Requires the access right Projects Related Functions > Project Editing Functions > Edit Project Fee Bid Comments assigning

Save / Cancel

Click Save to save your changes or Cancel to discard





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