Task Dates Entry Options



Data Entry options define whether parent or child dates are to be entered, and what action to take when the date falls on a weekend.



The rules for transferring dates between parent and child tasks are listed below:

•        Altering a parent date copies the date down to all child tasks

Altering a parent actual date copies the actual date down to all child tasks
Altering child dates sets the parent date to the earliest start and latest finish of its children
Altering child actual start dates sets the parent start date to the earliest child actual start
Altering child actual finish dates sets the parent actual finish date blank until the last child actual finish date has been entered. Then the parent actual finish is set to the latest actual finish child date


Once you have made you decision it should not be changed lightly. Changing the method will delete all dependencies leaving all tasks un-linked.


Move Weekend Dates

If a date falls on a weekend, you have a choice on whether the date is automatically changed or not.

The options available are:

•        No change

Friday before
Following Monday


Show By:

There are three levels of zoom available for the Gantt chart:

•        Weekly

Monthly showing every three days
Monthly showing weeks


Effective Date

The effective date is the effective date at which changes are date stamped in the history records. The actual hours from timesheets are displayed up to this date only. If time has been booked through timesheets after this date it is not shown in the grid.

For more information on task date options, see the Task Dates Configuration topic




Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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