Timesheet Amendments



This function is used to move time booked to incorrect projects, tasks and activities. These timesheets are otherwise unchangeable so this function can be very useful if a timesheet has been completed, approved and finalised with mistakes.


Note NOTE: The Timesheet Amendments screen only shows timesheet lines which are approved, finalised or invoiced. It will not show timesheet lines which have already been amended as the system will have automatically generated associated timesheet lines to ensure data integrity. To view a comprehensive list of all timesheet entries use the Timesheet Enquiry




As with all grids, clicking the btnRefresh button populates the grid with data.


To change the Project/Task/Activity combination;-

1.Select the timesheet lines you would like to amend by placing a tick in the box(es) to the left of the grid

2.Click the Change Project/Tasks button

3.Enter the Replacement Project and Replacement Task

4.Enter the Reason for change - this will be recorded against each of the amended timesheet lines

5.Click the Save button


To change just an Activity;-

1.Select the timesheet lines you would like to amend by placing a tick in the box(es) to the left of the grid

2.Click the Change Activity button

3.Enter the Replacement Activity

4.Enter the Reason for change - this will be recorded against each of the amended timesheet lines

5.Click the Save button



Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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