Timesheet Enquiry



The Timesheet Enquiry provides enquiries on timesheet hours and costs in a tabular format that can be sorted, filtered and generally manipulated to provide user–defined enquiries.



When first selected the Timesheet Enquiry grid will be empty. In order to populate the grid you must make a selection from either the Project ID field, Staff ID field or Date Range. This is to prevent users requesting very large datasets which may slow down your system.


Note: The project selection allows wild cards i.e. entering 1234% will return all project records beginning with 1234. See wild card selections from more details on using wild cards.


Once a selection has been made, clicking the Refresh button btnrefresh will populate the grid with data as shown below.


Additional Information

Buttons at the top


Allows you to select which type of timesheet lines should be included in the report i.e. Include In-Progress lines.


Allows complex filters to be applied. Filtering Lists is explained in its own help topic


Exports the grid to Excel


Allows you to customise the grid by adding / removing column. See customising grids for more details.


Refreshes the grid


TIPTIP: Manual Entry timesheet lines which had been invoiced can be identified by using the Rec Type column.


Related Topics


Staff Time Analysis

Project Time Analysis


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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