Using the Help System

It is a valuable resource for anyone who is either new to TimeMaster Web, or has recently upgraded to the latest version of the TimeMaster Web module.

Using and navigation the Help system is fairly straight forward and it is worth reading these notes to get the most from the system.


For example, if you need information on ‘Overtime’ enter this into the search textbox. As you type the list jumps a topic that has been indexed with the word ‘Overtime’

Click on the topic to display the page.

If this does not give you the information you require you can do a more thorough search of the help system and look for ALL instances of the word ‘Overtime’

To do this click on the Search button found at the top left corner of the Help window.

Type the word ‘Overtime’ in the search textbox and click the Go button.

This will retrieve instances where the word ‘Overtime’ is stored. Click on one of the topics to see display it.


Links to other topics

Within some of the pages you will notice blue text which is also displayed underlined. These are links to other topics or pop-ups which give additional information relating to the text.

To activate the link or pop-up, hover the mouse over the text and click the left mouse button.

Now please click on the link provided to move you to the Introduction





Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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