

This view lists a record for each project. It lists basic, non aggregated data and is therefore best to be used when joined with other views.


Column Definitions





The unique project identifier. Join to the Projects table (or other views that have both the projectid column)

Project Title

as name suggests

Commission Date

as name suggests

Project Leader ID

as name suggests

Client Contact

as name suggests

Expenditure Code

as name suggests


as name suggests

Budget Code

as name suggests

Lead Group

as name suggests

Lead Service

as name suggests

Overhead Project

as name suggests

Tasks Required

as name suggests

Client Name

as name suggests

Project Leader Name

as name suggests

Property Name

as name suggests

Property Code

as name suggests

File Ref

as name suggests

Classification Name

as name suggests


as name suggests

Project Completion Date

as name suggests

Project Description

as name suggests

Report Notes

as name suggests

Project Deputy ID

as name suggests

Project Deputy Name

as name suggests

Billing Currency

as name suggests

Client Instruction

as name suggests

Project Value

as name suggests

Fee Bid Outcome Date

as name suggests

Agreed Invoice Limit

as name suggests

Status Meaning

as name suggests

Status Date

as name suggests

Department Name

as name suggests

Resource Group Name

as name suggests

Fee Bid Probability

as name suggests

Fee Bid Status

as name suggests

Internal Ref

as name suggests


as name suggests

Invoicing Client

as name suggests

Invoicing Client Name

as name suggests

Client Fee

as name suggests




How to use this view

This view can be executed through any third party software you're using to connect to the Timemaster database (i.e. Microsoft Excel**, Microsoft PowerBI**, Microsoft SQL Management Studio etc.) providing it support the use of T-SQL.


It can also be executed directly from within Timemaster - Please refer to Executing SQL Scripts if you're unsure how to execute scripts from within Timemaster.


** These options can be used to create a live feed where the data can be refreshed within the software. Other options will create a static snapshot of the current data.


Click here for example syntax.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

Report a problem

Please report any errors on this page to timemastersupport@equisys.com