

This view sums various data for each task.

It can be used to analyse*;-

the total amount of time booked against a task

the cost of this time (as a resource cost)

Current WIP and invoiced values (also split by Fees, Time and Expenses)

* this list is not exclusive.


Column Definitions





This is a unqiue identifier for a combination of the project and taskuniqueid that can be joined directly to from any other views with the same projecttaskid column.


The unique project identifier. Join to the Projects table (or other views that have both the projectid and taskuniqueid columns)


The unique task identifier. Join to the Tasks table (or other views that have both the projectid and taskuniqueid columns)


This is used for tasks that are set up to be billed under a different task. In these scenarios, the task taskuniqueid of the billing task is used.


This is the sort number of the task as it appears in the Task List. i.e. 1 = first task, 2 = second task etc.

Task Code

as name suggests


as name suggests

Charge Method

The charge method of the task. This can be used to determine which element of work the time was booked against;-



Time based


Timecharged under a different task


Fee Based





as name suggests

Resource Group

as name suggests

Task Leader

as name suggests

Start Date

as name suggests

Finish Date

as name suggests

Actual Start Date

as name suggests

Actual Finish Date

as name suggests

Forecast This Year

These figures are only relevant if you run the Period End Routine.

The forecast is based on;-



If the charge of timecharges booked to the fee is greater than the estimate then the charge value is used, otherwise the estimate is used.

Fixed Fee (Scheduled)

Scheduled - the amount billed from the schedule.

Fixed Fee (%age Complete)

the %age is based on how far through the duration of the task you are (based on the task dates and the Effective Date).


Forecast Next Year

Forecast Year 2

Forecast Year 3

Forecast Year 4

Client Fee

This is the task's client fee in the base currency.

Currency Fee

This is the client fee in the task's currency.

Target Fee

as name suggests

Percentage Complete

as name suggests

Calc Percent Complete

This value is determined on how your system is configured to enter %age completions;-


By Hours Calc Percent Complete

100    *   Hours currently spent on the task    /    ( Hours currently spent on the task    +     Hours to complete the task  )

By Costs

100    *   Timesheet costs currently spent on the task    /    ( Timesheet costs currently spent on the task    +     Timesheet costs to complete the task  )


Percentage Fee Earned

If the task does not have a schedule this is the client fee based on the tasks %age completion.

Scheduled Fee Earned

If the task has a fee schedule, this is the value of the schedules up to the Last Costing Date.

Fee Discounts WIP

The discounted value of Fees currently in WIP for the task.

Fees Earned

If the task has a fee schedule, this is the value of the schedules up to the Last Costing Date.

Otherwise it is the client fee based on the tasks %age completion.

Hours To Date

The total number of hours booked to the task.

Hours This Year

The total number of hours booked to the task this financial year.

Hours In Progress

The total number of hours booked to the task that are still marked as 'In-Progress'.

Time Recharges To Date

The recharge value of all hours booked to the task.

Time Recharges This Year

The recharge value of all hours booked to the task this financial year.

Time Recharges In Progress

The recharge value of all hours booked to the task that are still marked as 'In-Progress'.

Time Costs To Date

The resource costs of all hours booked to the task.

Time Costs This Year

The resource costs of all hours booked to the task this financial year.

Time Costs In Progress

The resource costs of all hours booked to the task that are still marked as 'In-Progress'.

Expense Costs To Date

The expense costs of all expenses recorded to the task.

Expense Costs This_Year

The expense costs of all expenses recorded to the task this financial year.

Expense Costs In Progress

The expense costs of all expenses recorded to the task are still marked as 'Entered' (not approved).

Outsourced Costs To Date

The cost of all outsourced expenses recorded to the task up to the Last Costing Date.

Outsourced Costs This Year

The cost of all outsourced expenses recorded to the task this financial year.

Outsourced Costs In Progress

The cost of all outsourced expenses recorded to the task that are still marked as 'Entered' (not approved).

Timecharges Earned

The recharge value of all hours booked to the task.

Timecharges Earned This Year

The resource costs of all hours booked to the task this financial year.

Expenses Earned

The value of all chargeable expenses booked to the task.

Expenses Earned This Year

The value of all chargeable expenses booked to the task this financial year.

NC Expense Costs To Date

The cost of all non chargeable expenses recorded to the task up to the Last Costing Date.

NC Expense Costs This Year

The cost of all non chargeable expenses recorded to the task this financial year.

NC Expense Costs In Progress

The cost of all non chargeable expenses recorded to the task that are still marked as 'Entered' (not approved).

Fees Invoiced

The value of Fees stored against the task that are recorded against approved invoices.

Fees Invoiced This Year

The value of Fees stored against the task that are recorded against approved invoices this financial year.

Time Invoiced

The value of Timecharges stored against the task that are recorded against approved invoices.

Time Invoiced This Year

The value of Timecharges stored against the task that are recorded against approved invoices this financial year

Expenses Invoiced

The value of Expenses stored against the task that are recorded against approved invoices.

Expenses Invoiced This Year

The value of Expenses stored against the task that are recorded against approved invoices this financial year.

Fee Discounts Invoiced

The discounted value of Fees invoiced against the task.

Time Discounts Invoiced

The discounted value of Time invoiced against the task.

Time Discounts WIP

The discounted value of Time currently in WIP for the task.

Exps Discounts Invoiced

The discounted value of Expenses invoiced against the task.

Fee Discounts Inv This Year

The discounted value of Time invoiced against the task in the current financial year.

Time Discounts Inv This Year

The discounted value of Fees invoiced against the task in the current financial year.

Exps Discounts Inv This Year

The discounted value of Expenses invoiced against the task in the current financial year.

Fees WIP

The value of Fees in WIP stored against the task (based on the Effective Date set currently set in the system).

Timecharges WIP

The value of Timecharged in WIP stored against the task (based on the Effective Date set currently set in the system).

Expenses WIP

The value of Expenses in WIP stored against the task (based on the Effective Date currently set in the system).

Cost To Complete

Refer to Cost to Complete (explained)

Exps To Complete

The %age of the Cost To Complete (above) allocated to no chargeable expenses (as defines against the service) plus the cost of any project expenses after the Effective Date set currently set in the system.

Draft Fees Invoiced

The value of Fees stored against the task that are recorded against draft invoices.

Draft Time Invoiced

The value of Timecharges stored against the task that are recorded against draft invoices.

Draft Exps invoiced

The value of Expenses stored against the task that are recorded against draft invoices.

Invoiced Time Writeoffs

The value of Time written off after invoicing - NOTE: this time cannot be recovered.

WIP Time Writeoffs

The value of Time written off during WIP preperation - NOTE: this time can be recovered until the next time task in invoiced. At this stage it will be added to Invoiced Time Writeoffs

Fees Deferred

The value of Fees currently deferred against the task.

Timecharges Deferred

The value of Timecharges currently deferred against the task.

Expenses Deferred

The value of Expenses currently deferred against the task.

Outsourced Amount

The cost of all outsourced project purchases booked to the task.

Billingtask Time Costs To Date

The cost of all time booked to this task (or any other tasks that are to be billed under it (up to the Last Costing Date))

Billingtask Hours To Date

The number of hours booked to this task (or any other tasks that are to be billed under it (up to the Last Costing Date))

Whatif Fee Invoices

The value of Fees stored against the task that are recorded against Whatif invoices.

Whatif Time Invoices

The value of Timecharges stored against the task that are recorded against Whatif invoices.

Whatif Exp Invoices

The value of Expenses stored against the task that are recorded against Whatif invoices.

Resource Plan Cost To Complete

The total resource costs of all resources assigned to the task on the resource plan (after the Effective Date currently set in the system).

Resource Plan Hours To Complete

The total resourced hours of all resources assigned to the task on the resource plan (after the Effective Date currently set in the system).

Resource Plan Cost

The total resource costs of all resources assigned to the task on the resource plan.

Resource Plan Hours

The total resourced hours of all resources assigned to the task on the resource plan.



How to use this view

This view can be executed through any third party software you're using to connect to the Timemaster database (i.e. Microsoft Excel**, Microsoft PowerBI**, Microsoft SQL Management Studio etc.) providing it support the use of T-SQL.


It can also be executed directly from within Timemaster - Please refer to Executing SQL Scripts if you're unsure how to execute scripts from within Timemaster.


** These options can be used to create a live feed where the data can be refreshed within the software. Other options will create a static snapshot of the current data.


Click here for example syntax.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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