Edit Project Charging Parameters

Note NOTE: This option is only visible if the project is not split into tasks (stages). If it is split into tasks these options appear on the Edit Task Fees page.



Project charging parameters contain the charge method for the project, and also allow editing of the target fields for a project. As the two are very often linked, they are available within the same page but protected by different access rights.

This option is only applicable to projects which are not split into tasks. If the Project Management module has not been purchased, then this applies to all projects, otherwise this menu option only appears for task-less projects.


Data Entry

Charging Parameters

Project Charge Method

Defines the method used for invoicing the project and can be one of:

Fixed fee


Non Chargeable

If you are not using the invoicing module then you should set this option to Time-charge. Using this setting you will obtain an income line on graphical reports.

Fee Value

The value of the fixed fee.

Rate Table

The rate table used to determine the charge rates for the project.

Only invoice on completion

Check this option if the project can only be invoiced when 100% complete. Note that this also applies to time-charged projects.

If you check this option no invoices will be produced until the project is 100% complete.

Expenses chargeable

Defines whether expenses are normally chargeable on this project. This can be over-ridden by the type of expense. i.e. expenses may be configured to be always chargeable, never chargeable or depends on the project.

Defer project from invoicing

Checking this option holds the project back from invoicing. The project will be held back until the check-box is cleared.

Percent Complete

Percent Complete

Effective Date


Link target to fee

If this is checked, the target value is linked to the fee value using a percentage profit.

Profit %

The percentage profit used to discount the fee into a target.

Target Cost

The target cost for the project. i.e. the amount you expect to spend.

Calculate resource rate from

Method of determining the hourly rate used to convert target cost into target hours.

Options are:

Average for the lead group assigned to the project

Project leader’s resource rate

Manual entry

Actual burn rate being used

Resource Rate

The hourly rate used to convert target cost into target hours

Target hours

The target hours.

This is shown in deci-hours (2.5 is 2 and one half hours).

Target start date and finish dates

Estimated target start and finish dates

Actual start and finish dates

Actual start and finish dates.

The actual start date is automatically filled in by the date of the first timesheet.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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