Edit Task Fees



This option allows the value and method of charging the task fee to be edited.

Use this option to define:

Whether the task is to be charged on a scheduled or percentage basis

The charge rate table for the task

Whether the target linked to the fee

The required profit margin

Whether staff expenses are normally chargeable on this task


Data Entry

Charge Method

Defines the charging method for the task, from the following:

Fixed Fee

You have agreed a fixed fee with the client for this work


You have agreed to charge the client a varying fee where the charges based in the number of hours booked to the task.

Time-charged under a different task

This task is used to record time against but it's costs and charges are to be rolled up into a different task (normally a parent task).

Non Chargeable

The work undertaken to this task is not to be charged to the client. i.e. Preparing a fee bid.

Fixed Fee

Is the task a percentage of the service fee?

This is only relevant for fixed fee tasks.

This is the setting which determines whether the fee for the task is taken as a percentage of the service fee or is separately entered.

Fee Estimate

For tasks which are not a percentage of the service fee (see checkbox) above, the fee value may be entered.

For tasks which are part of the service fee, the fee value is calculated from Service Fee x Fee Split%

Note NOTE: If you are outsourcing some of the work involved for this task enter the full fee to the client. You can create a Project Purchase (Purchase Order) and assign it against this task for the the outsourced value. For more details on outsourcing fees click here.

Fee History button

Shows any changes that have occurred to the fee and when it was changed.


Time-charge Estimate

An estimate of the value expected for timecharges for this task

Est. History button

Shows any changes that have occurred to the estimate and when it was changed.

Time-charged under a different task

Time-charged Billing Task

The task used to bill the timecharges from this current task.


Is this task non-fee earning


Charge Rate Table

This is the rate table used to calculate charge rates for this task. Although predominantly used for tasks which are time-charged, the rate table is still available for fixed fee tasks just in case a task needs to be converted from fixed fee to time-charged at a later date.

The rate table may be changed by clicking on the Change Rate Table button alongside the table.

Check the 'Cost using resource rate on the custom recharge table?' to also define costs as well as charging against the custom rate table.

Note NOTE: The 'cost using resource rate....' option is only shown if the control settings are enabled to use custom cost rates - (Windows Application > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameters > Staff Details tab page > Enable Custom Resource Rates).

Is Task Speculative?

This defines whether the task is speculative or confirmed. Check the box for speculative tasks.

Speculative tasks are omitted when calculating fee income or predicted cost for the project.

Project Probability

Are Staff expenses chargeable on this task?

Defines the default chargeable setting when expenses are entered for this task. The employee or approver can override this setting for each individual expense, but this provides the default.

Charge Timing


Defines how the task is to be charged and may be one of the following:

Applicable to Fixed Fees

Percentage complete

A percentage completion must be entered which defines the amount of fee to be claimed.

i.e. 10% complete of a fee of 10,000 = £1,000 to invoice.

On completion

All the fee is invoiced when the task is marked as 100% complete.

Using a monthly fee schedule

A schedule of monthly payments is defined for the task. Refer to Fee Schedules for more details.

On sign-off

All the fee is invoiced when the sign-off check-box is ticked on the task.


The amount to be invoiced next time is manually entered. Nothing is invoiced until this value is updated.

Applicable to Time-charges

As time booked

Time is available to be invoiced once it has been costed i.e. Approved / Finalised.

On completion

All costed timecharges are invoiced when the task is marked as 100% complete.

On sign-off

All costed timecharges are invoiced when the sign-off check-box is ticked on the task.

Amount to invoice next time

This is only shown if the Charge Timing is set to Manual.

Signed Off?

This is only shown if the Charge Timing is set to On sign-off.

Target Method

This defines the method of entering targets for a task.

The options are:

Manual Entry

Targets are manually entered on the task target dates page in number of hours remaining to complete the task.

From Resource Plan

The target spend is updated by the resource plan

Linked to Fee

Target is set to the fixed fee less a percentage profit and allowance for non chargeable expenses. This is a common method of setting a target spend, especially for tasks which are a way off being due to start.

No Targets

The task is not being targeting. Time charged tasks will often not have targets set.

Percent Profit

The expected profit for this task.

This is used to calculate the target when the target method (above) is Linked to Fee.

Resource rate calculated from

The resource rate on a task is used to convert hours into costs and vice versa. Although targets are always calculated as costs (from fees using a % profit or from resource allocations), many users prefer to see targets expressed as hours, especially on reports. The Resource Rate is the rate used in the conversion between hours and costs.


The Resource Rate can be set in one of four ways:

Average for group

Use an average from the all the staff in the resource group allocated to the task.

Leader's cost rate

Use the Task Leaders Resource Rate.

Actual Average

Let the system obtain an average derived from timesheet costs divided by timesheet hours.

Note NOTE: This is seldom used as the updating of the resource rate requires the user to periodically run the Windows Application > Staff > Calculate Average Group Rates routine.

From resource allocations

Let the system calculate the resource rate based on the average of the resource allocations from the Resource Planning.

Manual Entry

Enter a custom Resource Rate.

Enter target costs and calculate target hours?

Check this to enter the target costs and derive the target hours from here. Un-check this to reverse the process and enter the target hours and derive the target hours from here.

Target Costs

Calculated by the system as Fee Estimate - ((Percent Profit / 100) * Fee Estimate)

Resource Rate

Refer to Resource rate calculated from above.

Target Hours (Deci)

Calculated by the system as Target Costs / Resource Rate

T/C Limit Notes

A notes field used to store any Time-charge limit narratives.

Invoice Narrative

This narrative will appear on the invoice.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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