Edit Project Services

Note NOTE: This is only applicable if you are a multi discipline organisation whose system has been configured to have more than one service.



Project services provide a number of functions, depending on your configuration of Timemaster.

If you are not using the Project Management functionality, then project services are a method of restricting the staff member who have visibility of projects

If you are using the Project Management functionality, then project services may be used to define an overall fee for a service which is then split into tasks on a percentage split basis (adding up to 100%)

If you have a single service organisation, then project services are not used, and are hidden from the menus.


Restricting Access to Projects

If the Project Management module is installed and the project is split into tasks, then a project service record is automatically created whenever a task is created for a service which doesn’t already exist. Project visibility is controlled by the tasks within a project.

If a project is not split into tasks, then project service records are not automatically added, but can be manipulated for the purpose of restricting which staff can access the project. The restriction logic works as follows:

Against each member of staff is a primary service and a list of secondary services

A project is defined either as open to all or restricted to specific services

If the project is restricted to specific services, then only staff whose service match the services allocated to a project are allowed access to the project


Projects may also (or instead) be restricted to staff using the Edit Project Staff Restrictions option. Under the staff restrictions option you allocate individual staff to work on a project, like a project team. Using staff restrictions gives more control but  requires more maintenance, as each member of staff needs to be allocated to the project, whereas anyone who provides one of the attached project services can access the project.



Note NOTE: By default the Project Manager's primary service is added to the list of services.


To restrict the project to staff matching the list of project services;-

1.Place a tick in the Restrict access to this project to the services listed below? check-box

2.Click the Save button Then add the services you need using the New button or the in-line menus to edit or delete.


To add a new Service to the project;-

 1. Click the New button

 2. Populate the following;-

Service Leader

The person responsible for the service involvement. A number of access rights check the login user against the service leader for the project and grant access to project based on that match.

Resource Group

The resource group for the service involvement. Changing this will ripple the change down to all tasks related to the project-service.

Service Deputy

Inherits the same access rights for the project as the service leader.

Income code

Use in finance extracts to third party accounting systems.

 3. Click the Save button.


To edit existing Service settings;-

1.Select the Service

2.Click btnGridMenu

3.Select Edit Service Details


To edit the Service Fees;-

1.Select the Service

2.Click btnGridMenu

3.Select Edit Service Fees - this passes the user to the Project Fees page.

Note NOTE: This is only available within the Project Management functionality.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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