Project Fees



This option allows the fixed fee information to be entered and/or calculated for a project. This initial page provides a summary of fees for a selected service with buttons for editing the fee data.

Fees are maintained separately for each service, and a service must first be selected from the drop down list prior to any further processing.

For construction projects, the system allows fees to be calculated based on a service (ie construction) value and then spread over the tasks associated with the service using a percentage spread mechanism.

For non-construction related projects, the system allows fixed fees to be directly entered to individual tasks.



Referring to the screen-shot below, follow the instructions relevant depending on whether the project requires fees calculated for the service (ie it is construction related), or whether fees are entered manually as lump sums for each task.

For construction related projects requiring fees to be calculated, click the Edit Service Fees button.

To enter a lump sum fee manually for a task, click the in-grid menu for the task concerned btnGridMenu and select the Edit Task Fee option.

The Edit Fee Schedules button allows monthly fee schedules to be entered for each task within the service.


Note NOTE: The Edit Fee Schedule button is only enabled if the selected task has a charge method set to 'Fixed Fee', and a charge timing set to 'Monthly Schedule'. Refer to Edit Task Fee for more details.


The Spread Fees button spreads the service fee over the tasks according to the fee split percentage. This would never normally need to be used, as entering service fees spreads the fee over the tasks automatically. However, it is provided in case fees need to be re-spread after changing a task attribute. (For example, if a task is changed from part of the service fee to a separate lump sum).


Actual Hours

The total number of hours booked to the task (including in-progress timesheet lines).

Actual Costs

The total cost of time booked to the task (including in-progress timesheet lines).


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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