Standard Hours (A)
The contracted hours the employee is contracted to work within the period.
The sum of the Contracted Hours/Week for each Timesheet in the date range, i.e. 37 Hours per week, if the date range is for partial weeks it will reduce the hours by using the ‘Hours available for resourcing’ for the day.
Absence Hours (B)
The number of hours allocated against absence projects in the period.
Note for the system to correctly identify absence bookings, there is a "Is this project for absence" check-box on the project settings page. This must be checked in order for the absence hours to be correctly identified.
Available Hours (C)
The contracted hours for the period, less any hours booked as absence.
This is not the actual hours worked, but the available hours after deducting any absence. Standard Hours (A) – Absence Hours (B).
Actual Hours Worked (D)
The total hours booked on the timesheet against non-absence projects.
Target Chargeable Percent (E)
The Target Chargeable % held on the Staff Employment Details.
Target Chargeable Hours (F)
Calculated as the Available Hours (C) multiplied by Target Chargeable Percent (E).
Actual Chargeable Hours (G)
The actual hours worked against chargeable activities.
For this report, chargeable hours are hours booked against tasks which are charged on a fixed fee or time-charge basis. Hours that are written off are not included in this figure.
Chargeable RAG
Actual Chargeable Hours (G) are less than the Target Chargeable Hours (F) - staff member has not recorded sufficient chargeable hours.
Actual Chargeable Hours (G) are equal to the Target Chargeable Hours (F) - staff member has recorded sufficient chargeable hours.
Actual Chargeable Hours (G) are greater than the Target Chargeable Hours (F) - staff member has recorded more chargeable hours than targeted.
Chargeable against available
The Chargeable Hours (G) expressed as a percentage of the Available Hours (C)
Chargeable against worked
The Chargeable Hours (G) expressed as a percentage of the Actual Hours Worked (D)
Two percentages are provided as you may be used to a different measurement calculation.
Non Chargeable Hours
The number of non chargeable hours booked in the period. This figure does not include absence hours but does include all other non chargeable hours, eg. administrative overheads or other non chargeable projects.
Written-off Hours
Number of hours that have been written off. These would have been chargeable but have been written off for various reasons (goodwill discount, double booking etc.)
Note that the hours written off follow the date of the timesheet not the date they were written off, so if some time is written off a month later, the write-off appears in the original period.
The number of hours claimed as overtime. This is included in the total hours worked but is shown separately to give an indication as to whether any additional hours are worked at additional cost.
Non Chargeable Activities Report
A separate cross-tab report gives analysis of all non chargeable time by type and period. The layout of the report is designed to allow a comparison across both activity and date so you can quickly spot any deviation from normal trends.