Staff Employment Details



Contains setting relating to employment start dates, number of contracted hours and the staff’s position within the company.


Data Entry



Employment Type

This indicates the type of employment for the staff member, one of:-




Contract Staff

External Firm

The staff productivity is calculated differently for Agency/Contract/External Firm staff records than for Permanent or Temporary. Permanent or Temporary staff use the contracted hours as the total hours worked, whereas the others use the actual hours worked.

Hours per week

The contracted hours per week. This is used in the hourly rate calculation process to convert an annual salary into an hourly rate. For more information see the discussion on how hourly rates are calculated in the main Timemaster Core help module stored within the Windows help files.

Currently Employed?

Check-box to define whether the member of staff is currently employed. Staff who do not have this check-box checked are not counted as taking up a licence.

The option to change the employment status is disabled as soon as a timesheet is entered for that member of staff. To mark a member of staff as left, or to delete a member of staff, see the Deleting Staff Records topic.

Employment Start

The date the employee started. If entered this date is checked by the timesheet status report to calculate whether a timesheet is missing or not.

Employment Finish

Complete this field when the employee leaves. All timesheet records dated after this date will be deleted.

Payroll No

Optional field

Work Tel No

Optional field

Job Title

Optional field

Primary Service

Defines the primary service for the staff member. This is used by the timesheet system to determine which projects, task and activity the staff member may book time against, and should be thought through at the implementation stage.

For example, if the person’s service is AR – Architecture and a project is of service EN – Engineering, then the staff member will not be able to book time to the project unless either:

The AR service is added to the project, or

The EN service is added to the staff member’s secondary list of services

Secondary Services

Used in case you nee to add more services to the staff record. Use the lookup to select the service from the lookup list, and the selected service will be added to the list of secondary services.

Current Resource Group

The group defines the current resource group for the member of staff. Staff may be grouped for the purposes of reporting on a section or departmental basis as well as individually.

The Resource group is a mandatory entry. If missing it will prevent a timesheet from being entered.


The Change button allows the resource group to be changed to a new one with an effective date. The date must always be historic.

The resource group is written to timesheet record for reporting costs by group. By using the resource group held against the timesheet record, the reports will accurately reflect staff movements between groups.

Changing the resource group here changes the resource group on timesheet records dated after the effective date.

Previous Group

Shows the previous group.

Principal Line Manager

The person’s line manager. Line managers are generally use for approving timesheets, holidays and expenses.

Other line managers

Three more line managers are available.

Overtime Approver

A separate approver for overtime is available as overtime quite often is taken from a separate budget. This person will be the overtime budget holder.


The department is an optional entry to allow collation of costs to be reported by department (as well as by group). It offers an alternative grouping of staff which may be useful in some organisations.


Grades are generally used to define charge out rates and can be printed on invoices.

Productivity %

An estimate of productive time as a percentage. The productivity percentage has two usages:

It provides a target for measuring productive hours

It calculates the available productive hours over which salaries and on-costs are spread during the hourly rate calculation

The productivity percent is a target for productive hours. It is shown on the non productive analysis report as a comparison with productive hours worked in any period. To calculate the figure you should subtract an estimate of lost time including holidays, sick leave and administration lost time.

Target Chargeable %

An estimate of the percentage of productive time is chargeable. It is applied to the hours worked AFTER deducting any absence and is used on the Home Page Chargeability Summary widget.

Effective Date

An effective date allows any changes to the productivity percentages to be recorded in a history file.

Include on project t/ line manager lists

Check this option if the staff member is available in the pick-list for project leader or line manager. This is provided to shorten the pick-lists for large organisations.

Resourcing availability

Enter the number of hours available for resourcing for each day. This is not necessarily linked to hours worked as you may wish to build in an allowance for non resource-able work.

Nominal code used when exporting time related sales invoices:

Specific field used to store the Staffs Nominal Code of the staff members Time into the when importing into the Sage Sales Ledger.

Nominal code used when exporting expense related sales invoices:

Specific field used to store the Staffs Nominal Code of the staff members expenses when importing into the Sage Sales Ledger.

Nominal code used when importing expense purchase invoices:

Specific field used to store the Staffs Nominal Code of the staff members expenses when importing into the Sage Purchase Ledger.


Optional notes field



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