Staff Productivity



The Staff Productivity Enquiry calculates the actual productivity for a range of staff over the specified date range. The actual productivity is calculated by taking the total productive hours worked over the contracted hours. Overtime is excluded.

Note NOTE: Staff are deemed to be productive when booking time to anything other than a project which is marked as an Overhead project (where's this setting?).

A drill-down provides a pie-chart showing the make-up of non productive time, together with a searchable list of all timesheet bookings to Overhead projects.



When first selected, the Staff Productivity enquiry will be empty. In order to refresh the grid, you must first make a selection in the date range. This is to prevent lots of users requesting very large datasets over the web.

Once a selection has been made, clicking the btnrefresh button will populate the grid with data as shown in the sample report. Double-clicking the row will drill down to a detailed report for the selected employee.


The data is calculated as follows:



Group and Department

The group and departments are linked to the home group and department on staff record, not the project the time has been booked to.


The staff member's "Hours per Week" (contracted weekly hours) (where's this setting?)

Target Prod%

The "Target Productivity" held on the staff record (where's this setting?)

Contract Hours

The staff member's total number of contracted hours for the specified date range. Number of working days in ‘reporting period’ * (“Hrs/Wk” / 5)

Note NOTE: If the employee’s employment type is set to Agency or Contract, the contracted hours are the total hours worked.

Absence Hours

The number of hours booked to absence projects within the 'reporting period'.

Available Hours

Calculated as;

"Contract Hours" less "Absence Hours".

Total Hours

Total hours booked in the 'reporting period' (including absence bookings).

Prod hours (productive hours)

Total number of hours recorded on timesheets to Non-Overhead projects in ‘reporting period’

Non Prod Hours

Total number of hours recorded on timesheets to Overhead projects in ‘reporting period’

Prod Against Contract

100 * (“Total Hours”“Non Prod Hours”) / “Contracted Hours”

Traffic Light


(100 * ("Prod Hours" / "Available Hours")) >= "Target Prod%"


(100 * ("Prod Hours" / "Available Hours")) < "Target Prod%"

Prod Against Available

100 * (“Total Hours”“Non Prod Hours”) / “Available Hours”

Available Traffic Light


(100 * ("Total Hours" - "Non Prod Hours") / "Available Hours") >= "Target Prod%"


(100 * ("Total Hours" - "Non Prod Hours") / "Available Hours") < "Target Prod%"

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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