Updating Staff Hourly Rates



This option allows staff cost and recharge rates to be updated for multiple members of staff.

It assumes you already have rates set up for staff members and you would like to update these with new rates. This is normally done after staff pay reviews have taken place, but could also do done when the organisation is increasing its charge out rates.


Note NOTE: Please refer to Staff Hourly Rates if you want to learn more about how hourly rates work within Timemaster.




1.Navigate to Windows Application > Staff pull down menu > Staff Hourly Rates

2.Set the Amend Rates effective at date to when you want the new rates to apply from - the system will use this to retrieve the rates that are effective on this date.

3.Set the Effective date for new rates date - this would generally be set to the same date as the Amend Rates effective at date.

4.If you are wanting to update a custom rate, select the Custom charge rates option, then select the specific rate you would like to update.

5.Apply any filters via the Filter button (if necessary) - this is useful if you are a large organisation as you can then perform this task in batches of smaller, more manageable staff records.

6.Click the Refresh button to refresh the grid – a list of the staff members are now displayed in the grid with their existing rates as of the date you set in the Amend Rates effective at date.


Note NOTE: Any changes in the grid will only be written to the staff records when you click the Save button. If you make any mistakes, you can simply click the Cancel button and start again.


7.Update the rates using one of the following options;-

Manual Processindividually enter new rates for each staff member.

Simply work your way through the grid, updating the rates appropriate for each staff member in the list

Bulk updatemake one entry to create new rates for multiple staff members.

1.Filter the grid using its in-line filtering options

Or, select records you would like to update either by;-

a.Right clicking anywhere on the grid and selecting Select All Items in the grid

b.Selecting each record on the grid whilst keeping the CTRL key pressed

2.Right click on the grid and select Edit Cost Rates

3.Enter the new rates as applicable – then click OK


The new rates will then be updated in the grid for all selected staff.

Bulk update (%age uplift) - update rates of multiple staff members.

1.Filter the grid using its in-line filtering options

Or, select records you would like to update either by;-

a.Right clicking anywhere on the grid and selectng Select All Items in the grid

b.Selecting each record on the grid whilst keeping the CTRL key pressed

2.Select a cell relating to the column you’d like to apply the uplift to.

3.Right click on the grid header of the column you want to apply the %age uplift then select the uplift option.

For example select a cell in the Staff Overhead column, right click the Staff Overhead grid header and then select then Uplift Staff Overhead option.

1.Enter the uplift percentage – then click OK


The new rates will then be updated in the grid for all selected staff.


8.When you’ve updated all the rates, click the Save button and these new rates will be created against each staff member with the effective date you chose in the Effective date for new rates date.


Note NOTE: If you are retrospectively entering new rates - i.e. the effective date is prior to today and staff have already been booking time on their timesheets after the effective date, you will need to re-cost each of the timesheets for the old rates to be overwritten with the new rates on the timesheet records.


You can do this in one of the following ways;-

1.Manual Process - open each timesheet individually and save it.

2.Re-cost a batch of timesheets if;-

a.You need to re-cost timesheets for lots of staff over several weeks

select the Re-Cost between two dates option (down pointing arrow to the right of the Finalise button on the Windows Timesheets grid).

b.You just need to recost the timesheets of all staff for just one week

select a column (week) in the Timesheets grid, right click and select Re-cost Selected Timesheets.

c.this is useful if just one staff member has had new rates applied to them

select a row (staff member) in the timesheet grid, right click and select Re-cost Selected Timesheets.

Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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