Staff Hourly Rates



This option allows staff cost and charge rates to be set.

Note NOTE: If you are already familiar with how staff hourly rates work within Timemaster, and would like to update rates for multiple members of staff, please refer to Updating Staff Hourly Rates


Additional Information

By default the system is issued with one rate table ".STD", but you are free to create your own (for example, to support different charging rates for different clients).

New rate tables are set up via Timecharge Rate Tables List.


When a staff member books time to a project the system multiplies these rates by the number of hours booked. These are then stored on the timesheet for cost and charge-out purposes. Hourly rates are stored by effective date, so each time a staff member has a salary change you may create a new hourly rate to take effect from that date. Ideally, these rate changes should be done in advance of the staff member filling in the timesheet but it is common for this to be done afterwards. In this instance the system will have used the out dated rates and this will result in incorrect figures being stored on the timesheet. If this is the case, you will need to either re-save the timesheet or, if several timesheets need changing, you can re-cost these via Windows Application > Timesheet Control > Click Downward Pointing Arrow to right of Finalise button > Re-cost options.



The editing procedure for hourly rates follows the typical list and edit approach taken within Timemaster i.e. you select the record to edit from a list, click an Edit menu choice and that leads you to an edit page with Save and Cancel buttons.


Click here to learn more about overheads and productivity calculations.


Click here to see how these rates should be calculated.




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