Absence Codes


Note: This topic is only applicable if you have the Holiday Only or Flexi-Time functionality installed.



The Absence Codes List allows absence code to be created, edited and deleted.


Additional Information

Absence codes must be created for recording all non attendance time.

You would normally create absence codes for the following absence types;-

Bank Holidays

Annual Leave

Flexi Leave

Sick Leave

Training Courses




To Create a new absence code, click the New button.

To Edit or Delete an absence code click the edit options on the in-line menu for the row you wish to edit.


The absence codes edit screen is split into 3 tabs each of which is detailed below separately.




* Absence Code

A suitable code to define the absence type e.g. AL – Annual Leave, SL – Sick Leave etc.

Note: When assigning codes, reference should be made to the reserved codes set up on the Windows > Setups > Control Codes > Control Parameter > Attendance page. These codes are used to define how certain absences are handled within the Timemaster system i.e. if you have AL defined as an Annual Leave absence code, any absences booked to this code will automatically be deducted from the staff member’s holiday entitlement.

You are therefore unable to set up additional codes for holiday entitlement.

A reserved absence code of “IN” is used to denote attendance and should not be modified or deleted.

* Description

A description of the absence.

Chart Colour

This is the colour which will be used on the absence chart to shown this absence.

Show absence in absence chart

Check if you wish to see this absence type on the absence chart. Un-check this to hide sensitive codes such as sickness.

Note: The access right Flexi-time Functions > View Absences Normally Hidden From Absence Chart exists to override normally hidden codes. This could be used to hide sick leave from normal staff members through the absence chart but be made visible to managers / administrators.

Force reason to be entered

Check to force a reason for the absence to be entered.

For example, to force a reason for sick leave. A predefined list of absence reasons maybe entered in the reason tab, with the option of restrict reason to only those in this list.

For example Doctors Appointment, Migraine / Headache, Flu.

Allow Full Day/Half Day

Check if users are allowed to enter the absence for a full day, half day or a custom time.

For example, some organisations only allow annual leave to be entered in full or half days, whilst some organisations allow annual leave of (say) one hours to be entered.

Allow Balance

Allows a user to create an absence for the remaining part of a days attendance. i.e. worked for some of the day but then were taken ill. This would create a booking for the remaining contracted hours of the given day. This setting is only applicable to absence codes booked directly in the Timecard (Flexi-Time functionality only), not through the absence requests windows.

Note: This option can only be used against the Annual Leave absence code if the staff member has the option 'Calculate leave in hours' set. See Edit Staff Attendance Parameters

Allow recurring

Check if this absence is allowed to be a recurring absence e.g. every other Friday is a training leave day.

Allow Custom

If this option is checked the staff member can select a ‘custom’ absence. This would then allow the user to specify the exact times they are going to be absent from and to.

Note: This option can only be used against the Annual Leave absence code if the staff member has the option 'Calculate leave in hours' set. See Edit Staff Attendance Parameters

Custom Absence

Allows a user to specify a custom period of time that they are absent. There are three different settings for this option. The first two are dependent on the how the working hours have been configured on the staff member's ruleset.

Allow on Non Working Day

If this option is checked then the absence code may be used on a non-working day. This setting only applies to absences entered outside the absence requests procedure (because absence requests always skip non working days).

The recommended setting is to leave this option un-checked. It was added at the request of one client who had a set of unusual procedures that required this option.

Use to request out of office working

This option is used to indicate that the staff member will not be working within the office on this day. This setting is only applicable to absence codes booked within the request procedure. No credit is given during the approval of this absence code. Instead the staff member simply enters their attendance in the normal way. See Home Working for a more detailed description.

Absence requires verification

All absences entered through the absence requests require approval. The verification check box allows you to mark some absences as also requiring verification.

Verification is a second approval route except that the verification is carried out by users belong to a login group which has the Verify Absence Requests access right instead of the Approve Absence Requests access right.

The verification only applies to absence which are entered through the absence requests procedures.

An example of it's use would be where you require a line manager to approve an absence but this absence cannot be granted until it has been verified by someone else i.e. Human Resources.

Allow entry

Specifies how this absence code can be entered.

Timesheet Entries:

The project, task and activity combination to be automatically filled in the timesheet when this absence type is created.

Timesheet bookings created by the absence codes may not be edited or deleted.

Timesheet bookings against these linked codes may not be created manually.

Leave all entries blank if you do not require a timesheet entry to be made.


Absence codes used to record absences like 'Flexi Leave' or 'Working From Home' should not have a project code assigned to them.


Reasons - This tab allows you to define reasons for the absence code.


Messages - This tab allows you to  create messages which will be displayed on the Absence Requests form when requesting / approving the selected absence code.


Any images shown may be representative of the previous version of Timemaster

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