Staff Attendance Parameters

Note: This is only applicable if you have either the ‘Flexi-Time’ or ‘Holiday Only’ functionality installed.



Contains settings of the staff member's Attendance / Absence values.


Data Entry


Attendance Type

Defines the type of attendance for the staff member.

The options are:-


The rule-set that defines the staff members working patterns and flexi rules.

Once defined this may only be changed by clicking the change button and specifying an effective date from when the new rules are to apply.

The rule-set contains, amongst other items, the employee’s contracted hours for each day. Changing the rule-set writes the new contracted hours to be applied to the database. (For example, to determine how many hours are consumed when booking an annual leave day).

Rotating Ruleset Active (text)

This identifies if the staff member is using more than one ruleset. Please note that the system only looks at rulesets used in the future.


Holiday Entitlement

Leave year start date

The start of the employee’s leave year.

No of hours in a leave day

Defines the equivalent number of hours for a standard leave day. For best results this should always be the standard hours for full time staff and is critical when annual leave is calculated in hours rather than days. (Annualised Hours).

Calculate leave in hours?

Check to calculate annual leave in hours. Leave cleared to calculate annual leave in days.

Suppose the "standard" working day for employee A is 7:30 (7.5) hours.

If an employee B works a short 4 day week of 4 days of 9 hours then one day’s leave for employee B is 9 hours (or 1.2 days) and one day’s leave for employee A is 7:30 hours. (or 1 day).

For employee B, on absence reports if you would wish to see the number of days leave as 1.2 then you should set the hours per day as 07:30 not as 9:00.

You should also check the annualised hours checkbox in order to calculate the annual leave in hours.


Holiday Entitlement

Defines the holiday entitlement for the current leave year. If an employee starts using the flexi-system part way through the year, then this should contain the remaining holiday entitlement.

If the Use Annualised Hours checkbox is checked, then this must be entered in hours. If cleared it must be entered in days.

Note:  You can clear the annualised hours checkbox, enter the number of days and then check the annualise hours checkbox if this is easier.

For part-timers you may also need to add the pro-rated number of bank holidays to the entitlement.

If there is an agreement to allow a member of staff to transfer entitlements between years then this should be done by manually altering both sets of entitlements, with a note being recorded in the staff notes.

Holiday Bfwd

This shows the amount of days (hours if annualised hours are in operation) that have been carried forward by the staff member. See Help on New Leave Year screen for more details.


Next Year Entitlement

This value will be used as the entitlement after crossing the annual leave start date. If annualised hours are in operation the hours box is enabled, otherwise the days box is enabled. See Help on New Leave Year screen for more details.

Subsequent Year Entitlement

Future entitlements after the next year. See Help on New Leave Year screen for more details.

Entitled to bank holidays?

This setting determines what leave is generated for the employee (if any) by the Global Holidays function.

There are four options for this field:


It is important that this item is considered in conjunction with the holiday entitlements.



Link flexi-overtime to timesheet overtime?

Flexi credits at the end of the period are calculated as;-

It is important therefore to deduct the overtime paid to the employee.

If checked, this option will read the overtime hours booked against projects on the timesheets and use that as the overtime deduction.

If cleared, an option to specify how many of the excess hours are taken as overtime is provided at the end of the period. For more information refer to Overtime Codes in the Main Help System.

Flexi-time active from

The date flexi time is active from. This is important as the calculation of expected hours starts from this point. Once defined, it may be changed by clicking the change button.

Swipe card active from

The date from which the swipe card system is activated.

Swipe card No

The number of the staff member’s swipe card.

Banked Toil Balance

This shows the current amount of TOIL the staff member has (only applicable if Employment type is set to Flexi-Time). You can make a change to this amount by clicking the ‘Change TOIL Balance’ button.

Allow staff on site?

This only relevant when using the clocking station program to centrally monitor staff incoming and outgoing times.

It allows the employee to physically clock out (and therefore show as out of the office on the Who’s In list) but not have the attendance affected by the clocking.



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